Bass Fishing

Discussion in 'Other Sports Forum' started by RickyNeverInhaled, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. RickyNeverInhaled

    RickyNeverInhaled Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    Just wondering if i'm the only one that likes bass fishing in this forum. Personally i think Bass Fishing should have its own room instead of sharing it with
    "Other Sports".

    I've got a tournament this Saturday and i'm psyched!
  2. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    I enjoy fishing but havent been since I was a kid really. My grandparents used to own a lake trailer and my family would go there a few times a year. Then they sold it and moved to florida lol ;)

    Currently dont really have the time or ability or anyone to go with, but Ill likely get back into it a bit sometime. Good luck in your tourney.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    I do a lot of fishing, but I wouldn't call it a sport when you sit on a dock or a boat with a beer and a cigar casting a line.

    I would call it a relaxing recreation. (unless deep sea fishing, that can be a fight)
    unluckyluciano likes this.
  4. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    I love Bass Fishing....still haven't got my trophy 10 pounder...and there are up to 15 pounders in the lakes near me as well.
  5. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I went bass fishing on Gatun Lake in Panama in 1986....the most fun I've ever had fishing. I was hitting a fish about every five minutes. We had a big fish fry afterwards.
  6. RickyNeverInhaled

    RickyNeverInhaled Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    The boat i was in yesterday got 2nd place! We also won big fish. The fish were hanging around about 15 to 20 feet off the bank.

    We're heading in the right direction. last tournament we got 3rd place, got 2nd this time. I'm looking forward to getting 1st place on the next one.
    sking29 likes this.
  7. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    I do a lot of fishing myself, but don't really see it as relaxing as others do.

    When I go fishing, I NEVER use live bait, and in fact, I only use about 3-5 lures, my "veterans" that I know catch all the fish.

    Anyways, when I go fishing, I just want to catch fish, and a boat load of them. So my typical day involves casting several hundred times, all while standing, and attentively paying attention to what I'm doing (especially top water fishing), so I really don't get the same level of relaxation as many others. With that being said, it is still relaxing to be on the open water, away from the city and such, and I love it.

    If you guys want me to elaborate on my "veteran" or killer lures, let me know. I have a few good ones. :up:

    BTW, I call them veterans because in one case, I have two identical lures, but one has caught so many fish the finish is being torn off by Bass teeth and the hooks. But, I have more faith and confidence in my vet. And as we all know, if you don't have faith in a lure, it simply won't work. I try to break in the rookies here and there whenever possible. :yes:

    PS. I only go for the sport, catch and release everything.
  8. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Hey Section, how far is Lake Okechobee from you.

    What I would give to fish there.

    Here in Ontario Canada, a 5-6 pounder is considered a whopper. Never mind the 10's you can pull out from Okechobee.
    Section126 likes this.
  9. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007

    Puzzle Lake Black Bass #1 & #2
    Called Green Trout by the early Florida Crackers, there are 2200 lbs of Large Mouth Black Bass in this photo. They were caught with cane poles in the Puzzle Lake area east of Titusville, Fla in 1910. Some weighed over fourteen pounds. The fish were kept in alive in an enclosure and shipped to northern markets

    please credit Bob Paty for the image. Puzzle Lake is about 8 miles west of Titusville Florida and connected with the St. Johns River basin.
    alen1, NJFINSFAN1 and Tone_E like this.
  10. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    pretty far.

    I live in Miami Lakes.

    In the 70's...alot of subdivisions got built in the Hialeah/Miami lakes area. They gave these subdivisions massive man made lakes and stocked them with Bass.

    They then banned fishing in alot of these lakes and then opened them up for fishing 20 years later.

    Now they are heavily regulated in some instances and have become the best kept secrets EVER.

    it is like having the best Bass fishery in the world about a 5 minute drive and a walk away.

    Casting from the shore......15 pound Large mouth Bass. that easy.

    I have always been very "lucky" on the salt water front and have alot of nice catches. I have been very unlucky on the freshwater front. A friend of mine is a Bass catching demon. He has four 10 pound plus catch and releases from one of these lakes alone.

    One thing that happens down here is that alot of these lakes are in private communites so they aren't policed very the residents take it upon themselves to place their own restrictions.

    The lakes down here are all Catch and Release on bass except for ONE allowed trophy per year. (minimum 10 pounder)
    sking29, Tone_E and cnc66 like this.
  11. RickyNeverInhaled

    RickyNeverInhaled Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    please feel free to elaborate.

    You are definitely right about a lure not working unless you're confident in it. This is true b/c we have a tendancy to do a better job with our presentation of a lure if we believe in it.
  12. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    I grew up there. My hometown is on the southern bank.

    Ironically, I stopped fishing around middle school age. I think I'm the only one in that town. :lol:
    Tone_E likes this.
  13. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    My top two aces are;

    #1 - Cotton Cordell Big O (Crawdad color with orange belly)


    There are two sizes, larger and smaller. I've only had success with the smaller size, AND ONLY THE COLOR SHOWN. It's a med diver, but the depth can be controlled somewhat by the position of your rod tip, and the speed of retrieval. Like any crank bait, stop and go, jerking, or continous retrieval works. Jerking works best in weeded areas, naturally.

    This little lure does it all. Check it out.
    1) Numerous Bass with diff methods above. I usually just continuously retrieve anyway, with a few pauses.
    2) My brother caught a damm Muskie with this little guy. Sun down, stars up, cant see anything (kept boat near shore), and my brother is snagged! Damn, we know there are stumps in the area, so we paddle back a bit, then, ZING, line starts peeling out. 14 lb test, no leader, and he landed the thing.
    3) Somewhat deep water, I'd say 10-12 ft, middle of the afternoon, boat positioned near a bouy marker (channel indicator). Only thing is, it is the middle of the afternoon, with the sun beading down. I'm not supposed to catch anything really. So, I cast this lure, and literally, burn it as fast as I can to get it as deep as I can. One cast, right near the boat, SLAM, a hit. I missed the set. Sh#$. I cast in the same spot, burn the lure as before, and again, right near the boat, SLAM. I got the set this time, and landed a 26" Walleye. Yup, a Walleye on this lure, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON.

    All in all, the Big O is the most versatile lure I've ever come across. It's landed Bass, Walleye, Pike, and Muskie, and always seems to work for me. I honestly swear by this lure.

    #2 Excalibur Spit n Image - (Color shown on top of image 1 - natural or image 2 - a blueish color )


    This is the lure that I start every morning with. It is a great top water lure. My method of retrieval is usually aggressive, however, my brother and father have had success with slower approaches.

    I usually walk the dog, zig zag it (this lure makes it easy if you have any experience whatsoever - must be standing though) quickly and for a decent length. Then I let it sit for a few seconds, then again, walk the dog, I'd say for about 8-10 rod jerks or so, and let it sit. This lure, also has a rattle to it, and has caught me MANY Bass. Slower approaches also work, by not necessarily zig zagging the lure, but just giving it light twitches here and there also works. I like the fast approach, I go for the aggressive fish, and don't really have the patience for the slow approach. :lol:

    Another reason I like this lure is its castability. It is a heavy lure that you can honestly whip out there and cover a lot of water with. Not only that, the colors are amazing. In fact, the colors on all Excalibur lures are great. Speaking of Excalibur, the treble hooks on the Spit n Image are Excaliburs, and I rarely loose a fish once hooked onto the Spit n Image because of the great hooks. They are also bent out somewhat, and are not straight trebles, and are very effective.

    Great story with the Spit n Image. Picture this, late evening, im fishing on a boat near a shoal where we believe small mouths are, the sky is purple, the water is calm, my back to the shore, just beautiful. Now, I'm casting the Spit n Image into the open water and walking the dog aggressively. I then stop, and what do I see? A large, long fish lunging out of the water, sideways, with full elevation, to smack my lure. I waited for him to land back in the water (split second really), and proceeded to set the hook. I LANDED A DAMNED MUSKIE with a bass top water lure! I couldn't believe it. It was an average to slightly smaller than average Muskie, but what I sight it was to see it hit my top water lure like that.

    In the end, the Excalibur Spit n Image is the ONLY top water lure I use now, and I've tried many - Zara Spook, Poppers, Torpedoes, buzz baits, you name it.

    Anyways, on any typical fishing trip, I usually only use two lures, all day, every day. The two above. I recommend you give them a try, and can only hope they are as good to you as they are to me.

    Honorable Mentions;
    Banjo Minnow - Can't find it anymore, but this was a GREAT lure.
    Spinner Bait - All white, double colorado blade. Great for Pike and the only lure I use on a certain lake I go to.
    Baby 1 Minus - Baby Bass color. Great for heavily weeded areas. Depth is limited to 1 foot, and you can bring this crank bait just over the top of weed beds.
    RickyNeverInhaled and sking29 like this.
  14. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    never fails...

    Silverphin and Section126 like this.
  15. bg34

    bg34 Junior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    I've fished all my life for all species. As far as bass fishing goes, my #1 choice of lure is the Floating Jointed Rapala. Best.Lure.Ever.....imo.
  16. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    hard to argue that.. I have a couple in my tacklebox right now I use in salt water. The first bass I ever caught nearly 50 years ago on Okeechobee Lake was on a Rapala.. but not a broken back one..

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    Caught this puppy last summer with a worm!

  18. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    Since we are doing Lure talk...I can't resist.

    I am no bass expert..(talk to me about hooking big Kingfish...Snook..etc..)..But I do know some that are absolute Bass catching fools.

    They ALL recommend plastic worm with Jig if you want a Trophy Bass.

    just passing that on.
  19. RickyNeverInhaled

    RickyNeverInhaled Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    My weapon of choice is a finesse worm on a shaky head!
  20. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    This thread needs to be revived. Love me some bass fishing. Caught this pig last weekend -


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