Why? he brought this on himself. Its not like he was on the ride, he entered a off-limits zone and tried to grab someones feet. Kid obviously had a death wish.
I'm sure if I knew him personally I would but what was going through the kids mind? Did he honestly think that was a good idea?
I dont know what was going through his head. It is amazing what people do some times. But I still bad for him and his family.
lil harsh here man. he's just a dopey kid. you dont know your *** from you elbow when you're 17. just a horrible mistake. certainly feel bad for all involved with such a gruesome death.
I guess I was harsh on him but my god why do something so stupid? Did he lack common sense? All for a hat
It's really too bad, but those 'danger' signs aren't there for decoration. My condolences to his family and loved ones. 17 man, that's WAY too young to go.
To me it's sad that people would think that's a good idea. What when he grabs his legs? He goes flying through the air or something holding on to the person? Obviously the kid needed some help.
Feel sorry for his family....not him. At 17 you should have your **** at least somewhat together and know not to screw around like that.
Living here for over 29 years, I can tell you the area around Six Flags has gone downhill bigtime. There is a lot more of the thuggish ruggish gang crap going on there now. Just a few months ago a kid was beaten into a coma by 6 to 8 kids believed to have gang ties. I am not suprised when I hear of any type crap goes down there anymore. It's just sad that the youth these days are out of control like they are and it ends up costing them their lives.
these are the things as a parent you just hope you have taught your kid/s well. mine is about to turn 6 and in a couple of years is gonna start moving further from her family space. i dread the day i may receive some news such as this. regardless of the state of the kid, no parent is prepared that kinda news.
It's been on the news here all day. Such a sad thing. I can't even begin to imagine how his family and friends feel. I figured they'd close the park for the day, but they didn't. They said the same thing happened to some one who worked there a while back.
Wonder if the family tries to sue the park? Wouldnt shock me in this day and age. And while I feel sorry for the family, and its never a pleasant thing to have someone die, I have to say the gene pool got cleared up a little bit. I mean really, going into a clearly marked danger area, and trying to grab someones feet? What? OK, I can see running in after a hat, kids are stupid and dont have developed common senses a lot, but this is all going to far. My god some people are just idiots. Cue up the Darwins ....
exactly. Sure we can all agree some need to learn the hard way and aren't to bright but damn, getting decapitated is a bit much......
you guys are ****ing harsh...the double standard is ridiculous. if that was your cousin, or brother you guys wouldn't appreciate people calling him a moron after something like this...you guys would be miserable and probably take offense to people calling him stupid that didn't even know him.....one mistake doesn't make you a moron.....this thread is pretty disrespectful...he was only 17 and you guys are ripping him apart, its no difference from a 17 year old dying from cancer..the family is still hurt, and a young human being lost a life..............
Only if he got caner from climbing over fences with danger signs into a nuclear reactor to taste the yummy green stuff. That being said, yeah, we have been a little harsh.
Though honestly.... If that were my brother or cousin I don't think the comments in this thread would piss me off to much. Especially since I would know that none of it was meant personally and that if I said "hey, that was my brother" I would immediately get about a thousand PM's saying how sorry everyone is for what happened.
actually a lot of stuff was meant personally.....look at the first post in the thread, it already got me a little mad. if he was my family member i would've been beyond pissed reading these posts, im sure you would too if you thought about it....and thats further proving my point about he double standards.....
I did think about it before I posted that. If it was a family member I would be mad as hell about the fact that he died but dude, when someone ignores multiple warning signs and climbs 2 tall fences into a freaking roller coaster ride its a little hard for me to get made at someone offering an opinion that the person in question might be a little dim. Plus like I said, I don't think anyone means anything personal by the comments, its just people on a message board passing the time and making a joke about something very stupid that someone did. Just my opinion though and maybe I view the world a little different then some people with my sarcastic sense of humor.
I think he passed because of his own stupidity, but my no means do I think he deserved to die. I feel bad for his family and friends and wish them the best. I can understand going to get your hat, but why would you grab at someones legs? I feel bad that he had to go the way he did, but he had to known he was going into dangerous territory when he started trying to grab people's legs. I know most 17 year olds think they're invincible for some reason so I guess I can understand retrieving a hat.. but man this just boggles me. No one deserves to pass this young, but I would imagine he knew the consequences of going into some place that was marked off-limits. Unfortunately the worst outcome had to occur...
Bro, families are going to be hurt regardless. Someone could have a kid in a gangwar that passed away and people won't feel sorry for that guy if he was affiliated with any gang, but I can guarantee you that the family members will care. It's just one of those things where you feel bad for the kid, but you wonder what the hell he was thinking.
Like some have said, when you're that age you do stupid things. I doubt that there's any of us who have passed that age and can't look back and think of some stupid things that we had done. I know that I can and at ages older than that. I thank G-d that I'm here typing this post despite stupid stunts that I had done in the past.
Unbelievable...... what are the odds this kids parents get a lawyer, sue the park and actually win a lawsuit because their kid did something unexplicably stupid. I don't think anyone is saying it isn't sad for this family. After recognizing that, you're only left to realize that this kids actions went well beyond the usual sillyness of youthful acts.
Reality: Reality with sprinkles on top: no matter which way you look at it, someone died from doing something stupid. People will be sad.
No offense bro, but that has to be the most ridiculous thing I've read in a long time. You're right though. I've seen a few teenagers ignore the sign that said "Keep Out, Cancer Area", and climbed the fence anyway...then dammit, even though they knew that a speeding cancer car would be coming through the area, they reached up to try to grab that cancer by its legs.
They can try, and I am almost certain they will, but I don't think there is a jury dumb enough to give them a verdict. I still have some hopes
so, because the family is already hurting it's O.K. to make them hurt a little more? is that what you're saying?