1st Annual Take Care of Our ThePhins.com Family Drive

Discussion in 'Announcements and Such' started by Fin Fan In Cali, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    To our ThePhins Family,

    We want all of our ThePhins.com members to have toys for their children and food for their Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas celebrations. This is a time of great need and we want to join you to help our members who may not have adequate money to buy food or to give a present to their children for holidays.

    To make that possible, we are starting the First Annual Take Care of Our Family Drive. "ThePhins.com will match the first $500 in donations" Donations can be made via Paypal without your name, and can indeed be mailed in if you like.

    Those Brothers and Sisters that are in a tough situation this year, will need to sit down with their other significant one, and figure out what they really need for this Holiday Season. Then, once they have done that, the family member will need to PM me with what they are in need of, and the number of children in the family as well. This will be kept confidential (site admins only). Please be considerate of what you need, and what others may need as well. We will make a priority of food on the table first, then a present for the children.

    If you can spare a few dollars to help a member in need of food for the holidays or gifts for a member's children, please either mail or donate via the Contribute link.

    If you are a member in need of food for the holidays or gifts for your children, PM me and let me know what you need and what you think it will cost to make your family's holidays enjoyable.

    If we receive a lot of donations we will be able to do more. If we don't receive an ample amount of donations we will make a priority list and go from there. We will post what we collected, and sent out after Christmas. The donations will be sent out in the form of a gift card only. This is the goal of ThePhins Family to ensure each family member has the very best Holiday Season that they can possibly have. If you have any questions at all, please contact John (Fin Fan In Cali) via PM.

    Click Here to Donate Directly

    Make checks out to the following:
    8870 N Himes Ave, Suite 319
    Tampa, FL 33614

    Click here to send a private message (PM) to John

    No amount is too small, and all donations are greatly appreciated.

    We thank you for your kindness.
  2. baboo72

    baboo72 Bleeding aqua & orange

    Mar 23, 2008
    Watford, England
    Wow, you guys are fantastic! Just prooves what a great place this is! Count me in! :bighug:
  3. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    If you need help this year, please feel free to pm me. This will be a yearly event, so if you and your family need help this year, then please ask for it, and possibly next year you could help contribute to this great cause.:hi5: We are all family here, and we want to reach out and help our Brothers, and Sisters in any way we can.:yahoo:
    TheMageGandalf likes this.
  4. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    Family as you are aware that holidays are upon us. We have a lot of proud men on this site. Please look at your family, and your current financial situation. We have collected an outstanding amount from our terrific family here to help others. If you need assistance this is what the holidays are all about. If you have too much pride to ask, your spouse or children can contact me via pm or use the contact us on the site, and that will only go to the admins. We will keep this in the highest confidentially. This is for all members. I know what it is to be going through tough times, as I have been out of work since July.

    If you are in need for Thanksgiving please contact me immediately, so we can ensure in time delivery of a gift card for a awesome family meal.

    We are going with a cut off date of December 15th. So please get your pm's to me as soon as possible. If you need help after that date, please contact me, and we will do our very best to assist.:up: It may not come until after Christmas, but it will be on it's way.

    If you need help this year please take it, as in next year you could in return help another family during this time.:hi5:

    We love you all, and want to ensure that this time of the year has some cheer in it for you and your family!:wink2:
    TheMageGandalf likes this.
  5. Celtkin

    Celtkin <B>Webmaster</b> Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    46.73° N, 117.00° W
    I want to emphasize part of John's original post -- most of the members here are guys who are too proud to ask. I am like you. I love beer, knowing that I can take care of my loved ones and scratching my balls BUT this is more about your family than about your pride.

    Look your children and wife in the eye and if you have a need and are still too proud to ask for help, have them contact us.
  6. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    We have helped a couple of families already for Thanksgiving. If you need some assistance to make your holidays a little brighter, please send me a pm, or have a family member send it to me. We have been truly blessed with outstanding support this year from family. We want to make sure everyone has a smile during this holiday season. Family takes care of family through thick and thin. If you need assistance this year, just let me know, and it will be taken care of. Then if next year is better for you, you can contribute and help someone else out. This is going to be a yearly family drive to take care of our own.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!:wink2:
    TheMageGandalf and baboo72 like this.
  7. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    Thanks to all the awesome members for the warm pm's! We sincerely appreciate the support, and the requests for assistance.[​IMG] Please do not wait, if you know that this holiday season is going to be tough, whether it's food, toys, or presents, please send me a pm with your needs, and an address, and we will take it from there.:hi5: We love the family here, and we are doing our very best to take care of our loving family. We have had some requests for the upcoming holidays, and to those family members, I say thank you very much for coming forth.:wink2:

    Happy Thanksgiving! May you have family, friends, health, and laughter.:yes:
    HolliFinFan likes this.
  8. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    Just a loving reminder. If you need assistance for the holidays, please send me a pm, and we will make it happen. We want everyone to have joy, happiness, family, and smiles this holiday season.:wink2:
    Celtkin likes this.
  9. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    On behalf of the staff, I wanted to take a moment to thank all of the fantastic Brothers and Sisters here![​IMG] I am very proud, and touched by the wonderful support to this idea of helping out our fellow family members.:yahoo: Brother Celtkin shared something with me today. Two local DJ's in his area did an allniter to raise donations for a cause, we did that here in less then a day.:hi5: May each and everyone of you have the brightest of holidays this year!:wink2:
  10. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    The results for the 1st Annual Take Care of Our ThePhins.com Family Drive was as follows:

    We raised over 2100.00 dollars! We assisted 7 families over the holiday season.

    We thank you very much for your support! We couldn't do this with out you. We will be doing this every year taking care of our own!:up:
    sking29, peastri, The Rev and 2 others like this.

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