Clay, Charles [35] - Grimes, Brent [211] Tannehill, Ryan [134] + Wake, Cameron [140] I don't get the Wake supporters downing Tannehill, as soon as he's gone we're switching to Grimes..
I'm 100% voting for Grimes If/When Tannehill is eliminated. I love Cameron Wake the player, but **** Cameron Wake the survivor contestant.
Clay, Charles [36] ++ Grimes, Brent [212] Tannehill, Ryan [132] -- Wake, Cameron [140] No rose for Tannehill
Clay, Charles [36] + Grimes, Brent [214] Tannehill, Ryan [129] ---------------------------- Wake, Cameron [141]
Clay, Charles [37] + Grimes, Brent [214] Tannehill, Ryan [129] ---------------------------- Wake, Cameron [141]
Clay, Charles [37] Grimes, Brent [216]++++ Tannehill, Ryan [127]--- given to fly in post 2098, forgot to deduct a point from Tannehill when he put the minuses next to his name. So I deducted it for him here along with my deduction of one point. Wake, Cameron [140]