Grimes, Brent [300]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tannehill, Ryan [14]--------------------------------------------------------------------- Wake, Cameron [206]
Grimes, Brent [299] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tannehill, Ryan [15] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wake, Cameron [206]
Hang in there RT, have to help mitigate the spread of this infectious disease known as Grimesiphilitis. Symptoms include being picked off, tackled behind the line and otherwise discombobulated while you give up 7 for your troubles. Grimes, Brent [298] - Tannehill, Ryan [14] Wake, Cameron [208] +
Grimes, Brent [298] + Tannehill, Ryan [14] - Wake, Cameron [208] Goodnight Ryan. You'll be gone before sunrise on the West Coast.
Grimes, Brent [300] Tannehill, Ryan [10] +++++++++++++ Sorry Ryan, most Dolphin fans have just forgotten how to love their QB. Unless it's a bum who can't hack it. Wake, Cameron [209] ---------------------------
You just don't wanna desert another guy do you... don't want to wear that shame of being a poltroon. At least you'll go down with the good ship Tannehill.