BEFORE WE START THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please add players to the roster that need be. When we are done we will start. I grabbed these names off the main site roster (thanks CK) and am not sure if there have been any add-ons. Once we agree the list is all set and up to date we will go live. Also as the game progresses, please help out in keeping the score true. I am not always on here and it needs to be a group effort... RULES: Each player starts off with 5 points. The game is open to anybody that wants to play. Every two hours you get one vote. A vote requires that you add one point to one player and subtract one point from another player. You can choose any reason you want to vote for or against a player. Skill, likability, value, etc. Add a plus (+) and (-) to the players you want to vote for and against in each vote respectively. Example: Before vote: Wake, Cameron [5] Tannehill, Ryan [5] Wallace, Mike [5] After vote: Wake, Cameron [6] + Tannehill, Ryan [5] Wallace, Mike [4] - When a player's point total reaches 0 that player is eliminated. Eventually one player will have all the points, earning him the title of Dolphin Survivor Champion. You may also give a write up explaining why you voted the way you did. Non-voting posts to comment on a vote are welcomed and encouraged. The debate is half the fun. Just make sure and keep it fun and don't take it personal! Some things to keep in mind when making each vote. Please follow these rules or the game can run astray really fast and make it difficult to get back on track. 1. Always quote the last vote in the thread to make your vote. If a player was eliminated in the previous vote, remove that player from your list. NOTE: Due to some technical difficulties with copying and pasting, quoting the most recent vote and removing the tags will work much better. In prior year games, players frequently disappeared from the list when copying posts instead of quoting. 2. Always check after you submit your vote to see if someone else snuck in a vote while you were in the process. If someone did, make sure to edit your vote accordingly. Otherwise the count will be off, and others will vote off your incorrect count. Voting quickly will make the chances of this less likely but it does happen a lot. If you notice the count is wrong, feel free to correct the count with your vote. This is the number one thing that will throw the count off.A good rule of thumb for every vote: Check to see who had the last vote before you add your vote. After you vote, make sure that vote was still the last vote. 3. Do not change format or order. The order used (except for coaches and owners) are the order they appear on the roster at This year it is listed by last name first, and in alphabetical order. Changing the order of the list makes it difficult for me to verify the count and correct errors. 4. Make sure you only vote once every 2 hours. If you get caught voting sooner your vote will be discounted. 5. Whenever possible, add up the count to make sure it's still correct. (Correct count to come with official list). 6. Remember to remove the last voter's (+) or (-) and any other comments before making your vote. 7. Please do not bold or format player names. This makes the vote for the next player difficult, and in the past has resulted in names getting dropped from the list. Feel free to bold your (+) or (-) and any comments. INVALID VOTES: - A voters vote cast sooner than 2 hours from his/her previous vote. - A vote where a voter accidentally votes for or against a player who has previously been eliminated. - A vote where only a point was subtracted but not added, or a vote where only a point was added but not subtracted. - Any vote containing mistakes where the voter's intent can not clearly be determined. - A vote that does not include the full list, i.e. only contains names of the players voting for and against. - A vote subtracting multiple points from one player and/or adding multiple points to another. - A vote containing formatted player names, e.g. bolded names. (will give warnings to new(er) players) For all of the above votes, a player should be granted 3 minutes to realize their mistake and edit their vote. If the vote is not fixed in 3 minutes, the vote should be disregarded and play should continue as if the vote had never happened. - If 1 player is determined to be voting from multiple accounts, any votes coming from the second account will be ignored. CHANGES FROM LAST YEAR: List now appears LAST NAME, FIRST NAME and is in alphabetical order. This should make it easier to find your favorite players on the list. Coaches, GM, and owner are mixed into the player list in alphabetical order. No matter how hard we all try the vote will get screwed up at times. And that's ok. I greatly appreciate any and all help in keeping it correct. The help you all provide has kept this game running smoothly the past couple of years. Remember: At any time any player can submit a correct list, and it does not count as a vote. And try to remember, although eliminating players is part of the game the true goal is to crown a champion. Eliminating players is a necessary evil of the game, so try not to take too much joy in it. Remember, they are all Dolphins. Winning player will have 485points. Aikens, Walt [0]--A13ove is really trying to take all the kills Ajayi, Jay [0]--A13ove deferred him Albert, Branden [0]--Galant snapped his ligament Aultman, Damarr [0]--finyank13 altered him Baucus, Mickey [0]--MonstBlitz caused his hangover Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [0]--PhinFan1968 yoked him Bowman, Zack [0]--JDelenne show him with a bow and arrow Brenner, Sam [0]--Monsta executed him Bryd, LaRon [0]--A13ove get got him Cameron, Jordan [0]--Chrisko concussed him Coleman, Deandre [0]--Chrisko stole the kill Coyle, Kevin [0]--Thanks to A13ove there is no longer any re-coyle in his firearm he goneeeeeeee..... Darr, Matt [0]--A13ove dar da dar dar dar Davis, Will [0]--Tin Indian 86'd him Delmas, Louis [0]--A13ove injured him Denney, John [0]--Chrisko restauranted him (huh?) Dieke, Emmanuel [0]--MonstaBlitz deked him Douglas, Jamil [0]--A13ove didn't like his dougie Drew, Ray [0]--Chrisko drew and quartered him Fede, Terrence [0]--A13ove fede him to the wolves Fields, Brandon [0]--A13ove traded him after fielding calls Fox, Jason [0]--Galant outfoxed him Francis, A.J. [0]--btfu149 uber'ed him Franks, Andrew [0]--No franks and beans from A13ove Freeman, Josh [0]-A13ove freed him Gary, Shamiel [0]--btfu149 zipped him up Gillislee, Michael [0]--JDelenne ran him over Grimes, Brent [0]--btfu149 got grimey on grimey Hawkins, Donald [0]--ChrisKo tomahawked him Hazel, Matt [0]--Galant doesn't like Hazelnut coffee Hewitt, Neville [0]--PhinFan1968 bombed him Hickey, Dennis [0]--JDelenne gave him a little hiccup Hull, Mike [0]--PhinFan1968 threw and axe at his hull James, Ja'Wuan [0]--Chrisko shaved his eyebrows James, LaMichael [0]--JDelenne LaSmoked him Jenkins, Jelani [0]--A13ove sacked him.... Jennings, Greg [0]--A13ove retired him Johnson, Anthony [0]--Chrisko poisoned him Jones, Christion [0]--A13ove tossed him Jones, Don [0]--jdallen1222 was jonesn for the kill Jones, Reshad [0]--Galant picked him off Jordan, Dion [0]--PhinFan1968 suspended him King, Nigel [0]--Newmpiece peaced out him Kovacs, Jordan--[0]-A13ove vacuumed him up Landry, Jarvis [0]--jdallen1222 juiced him Lazor, Bill [0]--JDelenne lasered him Liedtke, Michael [0]--PhinFan1968 killed the bastard with the complex last name Linkenbach, Jeff [0]--Chrisko doesn't liken him Lippett, Tony [0]--Galant lipped him Luc, Jeff [0]--Galant struck him out Lynch, Arthur [0]--PhinFan1968 lynched him Matthews, Rishard [0]--A13ove said "we aint gonna Mish ya".... McCain, Bobby [0]--A13ove McGot him McCain, Brice [0]--A13ove McFlipped him McCain, Chris [0]--Chrisko shut him up McCarthy, Ellis [0]--PhinFan1968 carted him off the island McClendon, Jacques [0]--ChrisKo chucked him McDonald, Tyler [0]--A13ove postposed him Miller, Lamar [0]--Chrisko showed him the high life Misi, Koa [0]--A13ove constricted him Mitchell, Earl [0]--Chrisko Rousey'd him Montgomery, Kendall [0]--Galant gave him the full Monty (what????? lol) Moore, Matt [0]--btfu149 backed his *** up Mosley, C.J. [0]--A13ove moseyed on over Parker, DeVante [0]--A13ove parked his *** to the curb Paysinger, Spencer [0]--A13ove paid him in full Philbin, Joe [0]--PhinFan1968 finishes him Phillips, Jordan [0]--A13ove hit him in the nose Pouncey, Mike [0]--A13ove pounded him Preston, Michael [0]--finyank13 pressed him Robinson, Gerell [0]--A13ove didn't extend him to a team friendly deal Ross, Stephen [0]--PhinFan1968 owned him Savage, Dionte [0]--A13ove ghostfaced him Seamster, Sammy [0]--A13ove seamlessly dismissed him Semisch, Tim [0]--A13ove ran him over with a semi Shelby, Derrick [0]--Galant rawdogged him Sheppard, Kelvin [0]--A13ove seared him Sims, Dion [0]--btfu149 simulated the rest of the pool for him Stills, Kenny [0]--A13ove stillframed him Stoneburner, Jake [0]--A13ove stoned him Streeter, Tommy [0]--Galant streaked him Sturgis, Caleb [0]--btfu149 kickballed him out Suh, Ndamukong [0]--btfu149 King Kong'd him Tannehill, Ryan [5] Tannenbaum, Mike [0]--btfu149 drafted him for elimination Taylor, Jamar [0]--Chrisko jammed his at the line Thomas, Dallas [0]--PhinFan1968 turnstiled him Thomas, Michael [0]--JDelenne intercepted his pass Thompson, Cedric [0]--btfu149 cut him off Tripp, Jordan [0]--JDelenne tripped him up Turner, Billy [0]--A13ove Ike Turner'd him Vernon, Olivier [0]--A13ove let him walk via free agency Vigil, Zach [0]--A13ove corrected his name Wake, Cameron [5] Walker, Aundrey [0]--A13ove cancelled his contract Walton, J.D. [0]--JD takes out JD Williams, Damien [0]--A13ove hung him KILL LIST: A13oveaverage-37 ChrisKo-13 PhinFan1968-10 Galant-9 btfu149-9 JDelenne-8 MonstBlitz-3 jdallen1222-2 finyank13-2 Tin Indian-1 Newmpiece-1 DEATH MARCH: Dion Jordan Joe Philbin Kevin Coyle Rishard Matthews McLeod Bethel-Thompson Dallas Thomas Will Davis Tyler McDonald Aundrey Walker Gerell Robinson Arthur Lynch Andrew Franks Shamiel Gary Damarr Aultman Matt Dar Mickey Baucus LaRon Bryd Emmanuel Dieke Michael Preston Donald Hawkins Stephen Ross Kendall Montgomery Dionte Savage Michael Gillislee Nigel King Neville Hewitt Jacques McClendon AJ Francis Josh Freeman Christion Jones Ellis McCarthy Caleb Sturgis Deandre Coleman Jordan Kovacs Sammy Seamster Zach Vigil J.D. Walton Tommy Streeter Jake Stoneburner Sam Brenner Michael Liedtke Ray Drew Jeff Linkenbach Zack Bowman Tim Semisch Mike Hull Spencer Paysinger Anthony Johnson Matt Hazel Don Jones Derrick Shelby Brice McCain Kelvin Sheppard Jason Fox Cedric Thompson Damien Williams LaMichael James Jeff Luc Jordan Phillips Jamil Douglas Bobby McCain Walt Aikens CJ Mosley Jay Ajayi Tony Lippett Brandon Fields Don Sims Earl Mitchell Billy Turner Michael Thomas Matt Moore Jordan Tripp Dennis Hickey Jamar Taylor Koa Misi Terrence Fede Mike Tannenbaum Bill Lazor Greg Jennings Louis Delmas Ja'Wuan James Kenny Stills DeVante Parker Cameron Jordan Chris McCain Jelani Jenkins Brandon Albert Olivier Vernon Mike Pouncey Reshad Jones Lamar Miller John Denney Jarvis Landry Ndamnukong Suh Brent Grimes
Again, somebody double check my roster work and then we can get it on!!! The pool means it is that much closer to the real thing baby!!
I double checked the roster everything looks great! I added the coaches and Ross as well. Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Brandon [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Marcus [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zachary [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [5] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [5] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, JuWuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Dion [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [5] King, Nigel [5] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [5] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Likenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamnukong [5] Tannehill, Ryan [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cam [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Brandon [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Marcus [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zackary [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [5] Coleman, Deandre [5] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, JuWuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Dion [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [5] King, Nigel [4] - Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Likenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamnukong [6] + Tannehill, Ryan [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cam [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Voting off list with coaches, and adding in 54's vote. Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Brandon [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Marcus [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zachary [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [5] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [5] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, JuWuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Dion [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [5] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Likenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [4] ------------ Weakest link. Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamnukong [6] Tannehill, Ryan [6] ++++++++++++++ Superstar Ryan Tannehill. Your Miami Dolphins franchise QB. Nuff said. Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cam [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Brandon [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Marcus [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zachary [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [5] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [4]-----hopefully hes gone with Philibin next year Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, JuWuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Dion [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [6]++++++kid is the real deal Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Likenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [4] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamnukong [6] Tannehill, Ryan [6] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cam [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5][/QUOTE]
Winning player will have 485 points. (list as of 07/16/2015: edited/fixed 10:00am) There are 91 players on the list (one over 90 because of Dion Jordan suspension) and 6 total staff members (Coyle, Hickey, Lazor, Philbin, Ross, and Tannenbaum). I fixed all the spelling of names and added Mike Tannenbaum to the list. Btfu149 also added Dennis Hickey. Are we in agreement now that the list is correct and we are ready to start?? Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [5] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [5] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [5] King, Nigel [5] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [5] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [5] Tannehill, Ryan [5] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5] Double check my list so we can get this rolling.
I recommend someone starts this thing soon before you lose the little remaining interest there is in this game.
Poo poo to you, oh you know you will be here!!! hahahaa Thanks btfu for updating the numbers and adding the Coaches, I always forget that!! Lets all keep an eye on it, as I am not here all the time...and with that being said the Pool is open for swimmers (wuttttttttt?)..... Lastly if we all don't vote Dion Jordan off first there is a problem..... [video=youtube;I6eQ78HCGEA][/video]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Brandon [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Marcus [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zachary [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [5] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [4] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, JuWuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Dion [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [4]----Grade A jackass King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [6] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Likenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [4] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamnukong [7]++Welcome. Please be dominate. Tannehill, Ryan [6] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cam [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [5] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [4] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [3] ----- King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [6] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [4] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [7] +++++ Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] +++++ Welcome bro Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] ---- even he cant screw up this defense right? right guys?????? guys???? Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [3] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [6] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [4] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [7] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
The voting is right, it never got reset.. they kept going so I just fixed the spelling and added t-baum when I went.
Thanks Above, I also added Dennis Hickey, I forgot we always have the GM in there. Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [2]------ King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [6] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [4] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [8]++++++ Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [5] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] Jordan, Dion [1] ------ A bitter reminder of the **** apple that was Jeff Ireland. King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [6] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [4] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [9] ++++++ The franchise goes as he goes for the next few years. Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6]+++Don't want Miko coming on here and beating me up Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [6] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [5] Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [3]-- Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [10] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [5] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [6] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] ----- Matthews, Rishard [5] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [3] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [10] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [6] +++++ Showing the old man a little love. Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [7] +++ Juice!!!!!!! Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [4] ------ wanna trade? Ef you McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [3] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [10] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [6] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [7] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [4] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [2]------ Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [11]+++++ Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [6] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [7] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [3] --- Ill 2nd that, GTFO McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [2] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [12] +++ Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [6] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [7] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [3] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [1]---LEAVE Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [12] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [7]++ Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [3] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [7] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [3] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Philbin, Joe [0]--- bye bye Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [13]+++ Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [7] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [2]------- Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [7] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [3] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [14]+++ Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [7] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [2] Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [7] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [2] --- McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [14] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [8] +++ Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [1]--------Stockton with the pass Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [7] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [2] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [15]++++++ Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [8] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Coyle, Kevin [0] ----- Karl Malone with the finish. Darr, Matt [5] Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [8] +++++ Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [2] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [15] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [8] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Darr, Matt [4]----- Davis, Will [5] Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [8] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [2] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [5] Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [16]++++++ Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [8] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]
Aikens, Walt [5] Ajayi, Jay [5] Albert, Branden [5] Aultman, Damarr [5] Baucus, Mickey [5] Bethel-Thompson, McLeod [5] Bowman, Zack [5] Brenner, Sam [5] Bryd, LaRon [5] Cameron, Jordan [6] Coleman, Deandre [5] Darr, Matt [4] Davis, Will [4]--------starting spot i dont think so lol Delmas, Louis [5] Denney, John [5] Dieke, Emmanuel [5] Douglas, Jamil [5] Drew, Ray [5] Fede, Terrence [5] Fields, Brandon [5] Fox, Jason [5] Francis, A.J. [5] Franks, Andrew [5] Freeman, Josh [5] Gary, Shamiel [5] Gillislee, Michael [5] Grimes, Brent [6] Hawkins, Donald [5] Hazel, Matt [5] Hewitt, Neville [5] Hickey, Dennis [5] Hull, Mike [5] James, Ja'Wuan [5] James, LaMichael [5] Jenkins, Jelani [5] Jennings, Greg [5] Johnson, Anthony [5] Jones, Christion [5] Jones, Don [5] Jones, Reshad [5] King, Nigel [4] Kovacs, Jordan [5] Landry, Jarvis [8] Lazor, Bill [5] Liedtke, Michael [5] Linkenbach, Jeff [5] Lippett, Tony [5] Luc, Jeff [5] Lynch, Arthur [4] Matthews, Rishard [2] McCain, Bobby [5] McCain, Brice [5] McCain, Chris [5] McCarthy, Ellis [5] McClendon, Jacques [5] McDonald, Tyler [5] Miller, Lamar [6]++++++++ Misi, Koa [5] Mitchell, Earl [5] Montgomery, Kendall [5] Moore, Matt [5] Mosley, C.J. [5] Parker, DeVante [5] Paysinger, Spencer [5] Phillips, Jordan [5] Pouncey, Mike [5] Preston, Michael [5] Robinson, Gerell [5] Ross, Stephen [5] Savage, Dionte [5] Seamster, Sammy [5] Semisch, Tim [5] Shelby, Derrick [5] Sheppard, Kelvin [5] Sims, Dion [5] Stills, Kenny [5] Stoneburner, Jake [5] Streeter, Tommy [5] Sturgis, Caleb [5] Suh, Ndamukong [7] Tannehill, Ryan [16] Tannenbaum, Mike [5] Taylor, Jamar [5] Thomas, Dallas [5] Thomas, Michael [5] Thompson, Cedric [5] Tripp, Jordan [5] Turner, Billy [5] Vernon, Olivier [5] Virgil, Zach [5] Wake, Cameron [8] Walker, Aundrey [5] Walton, J.D. [5] Williams, Damien [5]