I'll admit, I'm a huge score buff and video games included. Thought this was interesting: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/23-amazing-game-soundtracks-you-dont-remember/a-2009031615610828021 I could throw in most of the Ace Combat soundtracks in the mix as well.
Let me be the first Stitches to lament the loss of the Dreamcast, Sega hardware, and Shenmue. I am admittedly a huge Sega fanboy and Shenmue in my eyes is by far the best game ever made. As I have said before that is the only game that I feel actually drew me into the world and I have beaten the game countless times. It may have been expensive but it was worth every penny. Great soundtrack that deserved to be on that list.
I thought AC4 set the bar high with Rex Tremendae but AC5 really matched it well. Even ACX for the PSP had a good score though no official soundtrack released. Of course, you might be able to find that floating around the net.
Is this a serious list? Because I don't see Silent Hill. That's the only game I've actually bought the soundtrack to
Good article idea, but the list isn't THAT great. It's too concerned with finding obscure games or obscure versions of games, less so with how good the music is. Also, why the arbitrary number of 23? Did the author get tired of searching Youtube after 23 soundtracks? 10 soundtracks that should have been on this list and aren't: 1. Actraiser (SNES) 2. Breath of Fire III (PSX) 3. Mega Man X4 (PSX) 4. Suikoden (PSX) 5. Seiken Densetsu III (SNES, sequel to Secret of Mana) 6. Wild ARMs (PSX) 7. Super Mario World 2 (SNES) 8. Xenosaga Episode III (PS2) 9. Ys III (PC/Genesis/SNES) 10. Dragon Quest. All of them. Ever.
I will agree Actraiser should have made the list and it's complete BS because not one Castlevania game is listed.