What a way to wake up, went on for what seemed like a few minutes. Just a few miles south of me, how things up your way Doc? A 5.4 magnitude earthquake that appeared to rival the strongest recorded in the region rocked people up to 450 miles away early Friday, surprising residents unaccustomed to such a powerful Midwest temblor. The quake just before 4:37 a.m. was centered six miles from West Salem, Ill., and 66 miles from Evansville, Ind. It was felt in such distant cities as Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, and Des Moines, Iowa, 450 miles northwest of the epicenter, but there were no early reports of injuries or significant damage. "It shook our house where it woke me up," said David Behm of Philo, 10 miles south of Champaign. "Windows were rattling, and you could hear it. The house was shaking inches. For people in central Illinois, this is a big deal. It's not like California." The quake shook skyscrapers in Chicago's Loop, 240 miles north of the epicenter, and in downtown Indianapolis, about 160 miles northeast of it. The quake occurred in the Illinois basin-Ozark dome region that covers parts of Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas and stretches from Indianapolis and St. Louis to Memphis, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The organization's Web site said earthquakes occur irregularly in the area, and that the largest historical earthquake in the region - also a magnitude 5.4 - caused damage in southern Illinois in 1968. http://apnews1.iwon.com//article/20080418/D9048A9G1.html
I was watching NFLN when it hit here. I thought I had moved to CA or something stupid like that! Never figured to feel one of that magnitude here!
Not what you'd expect in the midwest, huh? Everyone ok? I grew up in IL (not too far from ILPhinFan88, Quincy,IL) and never felt an earthquake, never thought I'd hear this kind of news. Have to call the rest of the family and see how they are...
Everyone is OK, no real damage that I've heard of. Just a rude awaking at 4:30 in the morning then I couldnt go back to sleep.
lol...yeh no kidding. I live in an apt. complex and thought at first it was someone walking down the stairs but then it occured to me they would have to wiegh over 1000 lbs to shake the place like that...
I'm a very light sleeper and my wife is a very sound sleeper. It woke me up I ran down stairs to check on the little one and waited for a bit downstairs. When I got upstairs my wife is sitting up in bed and says "whats goin on?" I said oh not much just an earthquake
11:15 EDT, just had another tremor here! Was watching TV and felt the couch start shaking again. Is this weird or what? Enforcer, did you feel it, too?
My wife just called they cut short my daughters music program because they had to evacuate. I can just imagine what all those little kids are thinking.
It made the news here: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/nationworld/sfl-418quake,0,4374989.story but there isn't anything about aftershocks. The scale on the sidebar say 5-5.9 can damage well built structures. Glad everyone there is faring well. Gotta go check my peeps.
I work in a building built in 1926 nothing usually bugs it, I think the maintenance man said the walls are 8' thick
Pretty good man, rocky little ride this morning. I rememeber them talking about the possibility of a "wabash river fault line" about 15 years ago in school. Seems like they were right I guess. How have you been?
Beats me. Apparently we had 2 today. A 2.5 and a 2.8. I felt neither....and then at 1:30am we had another. All supposed "aftershocks". I dont know how these things work personally.
i've been through a few...most memorable when i was in 5th grade working out in the hallway, laying down coloring a poster..it was pretty crazy, a few kids were crying, we actually had to duck under the desks(never to myself do i say "why do we practice this? its never going to happen") it wasnt even that serious now that i think about it....it was aftershock of seattles huge one
another one? thats crazy......my grandpa loves this stuff, he is gonna have a field day talking to me about this next time i see him
I don't know if the number is unprecedented in a similar period of time, but the number of 5 and 6 point earthquakes worldwide last week was alarming.
According to CNN another just hit recently, a 4.5. Hope everyones alright. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/weather/04/21/illinois.quake/index.html