No doubt.If you listen to some of the commercials on t.v for the new medications, the side effects are often worse than the problem.
absolutely nothing... now internet message boards on the other hand? that's where folks with real depth of knowledge hang out.
Funniest thing ever. Taking Hair medication but the side affects may cause: DIzziness Shortage of breath Diarhea Pecker to fall off Hair where you dont want it High BLood pressure Menopause....
I never get sick. I do have asthma and just use the heart-exploding over the counter crap whenever I get a bit wheezy, but guess what? Ever since Ive been off Asthma meds, my asthma has actually improved. What does that tell ya?
When I got pericarditis a few years ago, I was told by my doctor that it could develop into something chronic and easier to develop going forward. a chest cold, a smack in the chest, things like that could lead to serious problems for me. Since then, I think I have gotten a cold perhaps once for two days whereas prior to that, I got sick every winter for two to three weeks. I am a firm believer that a lot of our ailments and problems are created or at least exacerbated by our own minds.
And I smoke non-medical marijuana and it hasnt seemed to worsen my asthma, in fact, THC has been known to be an airway dilator. My wheezing improves whenever I smoke, especially if its high-quality.
No doubt about it. I havent called in sick for work in the last 6 years (yes I am one of those A-Holes). Whenever I feel a sickness coming on I convince myself otherwise. I am also a firm believer in 'Mind over Matter'.
I almost never get sick. I refuse to take any pills. Advil, Tylenol or any of that crap. I don't believe in them.
I like how the list just happens to contain some of the most-prescribed medication in the US today. I see no point to this article except to create FUD.