Took a journal of my first week, hope everyone enjoys: Day 1 - Got here early, took a **** in the building bathroom first things first. Marked my territory right away. Walked into the office, McLovin had a box of goodies waiting for me, water bottle, desk supplies etc. Great stuff. Starting on the right foot. Food truck for lunch, it was delicious. Everyone has been real welcoming so far! Lots of good looking co-workers too. Went to hooters with McLovin.....he mentions "Fin D" a lot. I am suspicious he has a "thing" for him, will confirm. Day 2 - Hot shower, free breakfast at the hotel, whats not to love? Get to work, McLovin is late, and when he shows up he smells of old cigarettes and a bird cage. He's wearing corduroy jeans and a Pearl Jam t-shirt.........I think everythings good. Not too worried. Seems like a legit place to work so far.....everyone else seems normal. Join McLovin for lunch again, its another food truck. Pizza. Delicious. However, everyone is staring since McLovin is eating his pizza with a spork and knife. Weird. He just wiped his hands on his corduroys. He asked what I am doing after work. I tell him I have a bible study(?) he buys it.....thank god. He told me hes going to "troll" Fin D some on thephins till around "my normal time 2-5 in the morning".....he then stared off for what seemed like 5 minutes. He doesn't cover his nose when he sneezes. He takes my picture a lot........getting a bit more worried. Day 3 - Woke up to 3 pictures slid under my hotel door. All pictures of Fin D photoshopped onto Dan Connelys body. He has also photoshopped Patriot super bowl rings onto his nipples. No clue how he found Dan Conneley shirtless. But hes damn persistent. He has stopped calling me "Chris"....and is instead calling me "SickFinFan" other new co-workers giving me stares. He keeps calling me fat.....Which I know I can lose some pounds, but I have some muscle underneath. He looks like Louie Anderson in a polo shirt. I think hes being Rhetorical. But I don't think he knows what that means. His screen saver on his work computer is a spread sheet of ALL of Fin D's started threads on thephins. This is getting weird. He has a dog named "Celtkin". He drinks Capri Suns. At first I thought he was being ironic. But after he bragged about how cheap they are at Food Lion, while scratching at his neck, I know that's not the case. He seriously just enjoys drinking them. As an adult. Day 4 - I checked out of my hotel room. Leave back to Charlotte after work today. I think McLovin is actually "Anlgp"......will confirm. Holy hell he has a bottle of Burnetts vodka on his desk. Used tissues everywhere. I think he slept here. He has one shoe on. He pulled a knife on our boss today....the boss told him "not again, not right now"......I think he's crazy. I am terrified to come back next week. Oh god I can't wait to be home to my wife and All in all, good start to my new career!
Its not capri sun. its sams choice fruit juice with 8 percent juice. Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
Btw, I'm glad for Sick on landing the new gig. I'd told him so many times in the past that Door-to-door Pet Rapist was not much of a profitable, stable, or even marketable profession.
Of the many ways to describe this NC rendezvous, the term "straight" is among the last that comes to mind.
This thread belongs in the trophy case. Read every single post. You guys up in Charlotte? I am in Augusta which isn't too far away. How about an outing sometime?
Just kidding man, you coming to Charlotte for the Dolphins/Panthers preseason game?!?!?!!? How about the Phins/Jags game in Jax?
Ill look into getting tickets to one of those games. Depends on my schedule. I am a radiologist and sometimes am on call on the weekends.
Cool man, we are driving down to Jacksonville for that game 9/20. I think a couple of members from this board will be there. Skeet and GridIronKing. The Panthers games in Charlotte is a Saturday night, sucks about being on call, I understand.
I am a resident training at Georgia Regents University, used to be Medical College of Georgia. University is right across the street.
I am a 2nd year radiology resident. This is the busiest year where I do most of my radiology call. I lived in Miami for most of my life. I am probably going to try to get back into florida. Perhaps do pediatric radiology fellowship at Miami Childrens, or Neuro at Jackson. Augusta isn't exactly my favorite city to live in (Augusta National is nothing like the rest of the city!). i want to move closer to family and friends.
cool man. Sick is too much of a pleb to tell you, but we have a few radiology contracts, if you need help with anything, let me know. none in SoFLo though.
Well with the Radiology Job market the way it is, I am open to everything. Even if it involves... submitting to sick.