Jets coach Rex Ryan: "We never heard a none uh them guys. We don't even know if any of them can play football. Who the hell are the "Phins" anyway?
He'll soon find out. Truth is he's heard of all of them and he's just being Rex. That's why the media love him.
That's not what rex said...he said : [ame=""]YouTube- Rob The Slob tries to eat 5lbs of chicken salad[/ame]
I thought this thread had absolutely no value until the picture of Bellichick loaded on the 5th refresh. Then I lol'ed. Still can't get the pick of Rex to load.
"Out of bounds." "Ban." "This thread has no value..." Wow, I guess it's not cool to take humorous shots at opposing coaches in the division, huh?
The pic of Fat Bastard in a towel that doesn't seem to load consistently was pretty funny, and bears an uncanny resemblance to Ryan.
Bills Coach Whozzizname Am I in the AFC East? Shoot I was doing my homework on the NFC South rookies.