1. Eshlemon Well-Known Member


    Leaving out our Continental Indian Wars, historicly matches is 2nd longest military conflict (with astericks)

    1898-1913 Phillipines
    1963-1973 Vietnam: This is based on Johnsons massive military buildup, actual involvment is much longer but seems in today's lingo it only counts if there are "combat boots on the ground"
    2001+ Afghanistan
    2003-2011 Iraq

    Now the astericks...inclusion of deployments in countries of past military conflicts?

    Western Europe: 1941+
    Japan: 1945+
    Korea: 1950+
    Middle East: 1991+
  2. finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Happy Bday!!!

    Continue to kill them.....

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