All Time Phins Teams

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by T. Nathan22, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. T. Nathan22

    T. Nathan22 Dolphins fan since 72

    Jun 10, 2009
    Altamonte Springs, Fl.
    My job sometimes leaves me time to sit and ponder; I ponder I miss football. I was thinking of this forum and getting opinions of fellow Phin fans. These are both on my favs and what I percieve as all time great Dolphin players based on stature in NFL criteria i.e. Pro Bowls etc.

    T-Richmond Webb, Wayne Moore, Norm Evans, John Giesler (Most understed Dolphin in history) HM to Mike Current.
    G-Larry Little, Bob Kuechenburg, Ed Newman, Keith Sims.
    C-Dwight Stephenson, Jim Langer
    TE-Never a blue-chipper here, all workman including Bruce Hardy and Marv Fleming.
    QB- Dan Marino, Bob Griese. Back-up-Morral and Strock.
    FB- Could put Csonka here but ran from TB mostly, Andra Franklin (career to short).
    TB- Morris, Nathan. Soon to be- Brown.
    WR-Warfield, Duper and Clayton, Nat Moore (Go Gators) and Durile Harris.

    DE-Vern Den Herder, Bill Stanfill, Jason Taylor, Kim Bokamper.
    DT-Manny Fernandez, Doug Betters. HM- Tim Bowens.
    OLB- Larry Gordon Hugh Green, Doug Swift, Bob Bruzinski.
    ILB- Nick B., John Offerdahl, A.J. Duhe
    CB- Madison and Certain, Don McNeal and Paul Lankford.
    S-Anderson and Scott, Brothers Blackwood, B-52s (Oliver and Williams)
    P- Seiple, Roby.
    K-Mr. Clutch, Pete Stoyanovich.

    Best announcers of all time-Rick Weaver and Hank Golberg.
  2. TiP54

    TiP54 Bad Reputation

    Nov 25, 2007
    Live from the Internet.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts man.
    T. Nathan22 likes this.
  3. PerfectTeam

    PerfectTeam Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    only disagreement I have is that Mad Dog belongs with the greatest announcers. Not a fan of Fat Hank. I think Zach belongs on there but its hard to argue with the three that are.
    T. Nathan22 likes this.
  4. 124

    124 Banned

    May 12, 2008
    Dan Marino & a lot of other dudes.

    I win.
    T. Nathan22 likes this.
  5. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    You're missing Zach Thomas, OJ McDuffie, Ricky Williams, and Brian Cox. No way those guys don't make that list, IMHO.
    Uncle Rico and T. Nathan22 like this.
  6. PerfectTeam

    PerfectTeam Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    Putting Ronnie in there before Ricky or even Jim Kiick would be a travesty. McDuffie makes a case as well.
  7. syborg

    syborg New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
    Taunton, United Kingdom
    thing with these types of things is that people will always disagree as these are real personal lists and you cant include everyone. .just my 2 pence worth ..
    steveincolorado and T. Nathan22 like this.
  8. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I missed the season where Ronnie quit on the team.

    I honor any list that mentions Tim Bowens. He would of been an amazing nose tackle in this defense.
  9. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    I can't put Ricky in because he just doesn't embody what the Miami Dolphins franchise means to me.

    Also, I think he's always been slightly overrated by our fan base. He put up some big numbers but it also took him a LOT of carries.
    T. Nathan22 likes this.
  10. baboo72

    baboo72 Bleeding aqua & orange

    Mar 23, 2008
    Watford, England
    I would have Mare before Stoyanovic, Jim Jenson at TE and Tryo Vincent at CB I'd even put Will Allen in front of Paul Lankford. Zach would also be the 2nd name I'd put on the list after Dan.
  11. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I wouldn't put RW anywhere on that list. He should be closer to the part of the list that chronicles the accomplishments of Lamar Smith or Delvin Williams.
    Coral Reefer and T. Nathan22 like this.
  12. PerfectTeam

    PerfectTeam Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    Im going based off of statistics. Yes he quit, doesn't diminish what he did before that.
  13. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    An all time team isn't about stats. It's also about personifying a team IMO and Ricky just doesn't.
    GARDENHEAD likes this.
  14. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    Basically, one great season, one good season. No playoffs or anything else that made those teams memorable.
    GARDENHEAD likes this.
  15. PerfectTeam

    PerfectTeam Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    Don't think its fair to put all that on Ricky's shoulders for not making the playoffs for those two years. The guy did all he could do, especially in 2003. Not his fault the rest of the team wasn't any good.
  16. PerfectTeam

    PerfectTeam Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    That's your choice, but the guy is still one of the best RB's that wore a fins jersey. Ricky isn't the first name that I would pick for the all phins team, but I can definitely understand him being there but him not being on there too has merit.
  17. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    What I'm putting on his shoulders is that he wasn't a great player more than one season for us. That hardly makes him an all-time fin. If there had been some Super Bowls or playoffs than that could have added weight to that one great season and one good one, but since there wasn't there isn't anything to make him an all-time fin.
    Coral Reefer likes this.
  18. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I think he was great for two seasons. The season before he retired was not as statistcally better, however it is my opinion that he ran just as good if not better in that season. The blocking just wasn't there. the game against buffalo where he had 27 carries and 111 yards was a thing of beauty.

    However I do agree that he does not deserve to be on any list as a top dolphin for the way he quit on the team. Even Karim Abdul-Jabbar deserves to be higher
  19. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    You mean, like Larry Csonka, Jim Kiick, and Paul Warfield did? :lol:

    I also missed the season when Ronnie ran for 1,853 yards and 16 TDs. :wink2:
  20. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    On this, I agree 100%. :up:
  21. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    He averaged 4.8 yards per carry... oh, and he also had 47 receptions that year.
  22. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
  23. PerfectTeam

    PerfectTeam Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    Again its not Ricky's fault for not making the playoffs in those years. He led league in rushing in 02, what else could he have done? The team not making the playoffs doesn't diminish the type of season he had. JT led the league in sacks that year but I guess he didn't have that great of a season because they didn't make the playoffs. Even the following year Ricky had a good year considering he had no blocking and the passing game was inept. Ricky wasn't the problem with not making the playoffs. Wannstedt and the passing game were. Ricky did quit on the team, yet it still doesn't diminish what the guy has accomplished in a dolphins uniform. You look at the dolphins rushing records and Ricky is near the top of almost all of them.
  24. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I just don't see that 2003 season as great. I see it as no better than or even below many other Dolphin season rushing performances which I classified as good but not great.

    I would certainly rank it below the performances of Delvin Williams, Csonka (2), Brown and Morris. And no better than Jabbar and Smith.
  25. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I see it as great because a lesser runningback would have 300 less yards.
    Ohio Fanatic likes this.
  26. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I said he had a great season, but one great season doesn't make him an all-time Phin. What made JT worthy was that he had several good and great seasons for the Dolphins.

    And I'm not blaming RW for not making the playoffs. I'm saying he didn't do enough as a Dolphin to justify putting him as an all-time great. He would have got an extra bump for being on a SB or playoff team, but since he wasn't, he doesn't get any extra bump.
  27. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007

    oh stop.. you damned well that's not what happened.. one left to go smoke pot, the other three went on to monied contracts they NEVER would have been offered by cheap azz Joe Robbie
  28. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I don't agree that they quit. They asked for contracts that would have been considered fair compensation for the era. Nobody at the time considered their demands as outrageous. They even offered to take less than what the WFL offered. I don't see that as quitting. I see that as refusing to be taken advantage of.

    Again, one great season devoid of any great team accomplishments doesn't warrant inclusion among the all-time Phins.
  29. T. Nathan22

    T. Nathan22 Dolphins fan since 72

    Jun 10, 2009
    Altamonte Springs, Fl.
    Great replies....

    and good debate.
    Again I based it on a combo of my favs and NFL accomplishments. I will admit my faux pau on Jim Kick, should be there. And O.J. McDuffie. He was the type Shula player. I'll bend over if anybody wants to kick me for missing him.:wink2:
    Williams, needs to redeem himself after leaving to smoke pot. IMO, hasn't yet but still can.
    Troy Vincent for me was a victim of the era. Not a Dolphin long enough for me. Free agency took him.
    Zach would be the next on the list, then Ernie Rhone.
    Brian Cox. I loved him for standing up for his teamates. I loved him after the loss to the Chargers in the playoffs where Pete missed the winning FG on the last play. Asked if he blamed Pete he replied he had won so many games in the clutch Pete couldn't be blamed for the loss, the team was. I loved it in the beach football game at the Pro Bowl when the other announcer to Elway for his QB Cox proudly announced Marion was his man any day of the week.
    Going after the Bengals bench for celebrating a cheap shot on Stoyo.
    But then Cox would do something to stupid to mess it all up.
  30. FinsAreLife

    FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Its a solid list but you are missing one VERY obvious player who is constantly forgot about. That being Zach Thomas. He is way to good to be left off. Also, I really feel like Ricky should be on the list considering he is close to being our all time leading rusher. OJ McDuffie and Troy Vinceny are others to consider also. Im with you on hoping Brown will be there one day and he seems to be on pace but its a tad premature to put him there yet. We'll see over the next two seasons.
    T. Nathan22 likes this.
  31. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    im watching America's game on the 72 Phins. Funny how we beat the Steelers the week after their immaculate reception game to get to the superbowl.

    in that game, mel blount had a total clear shot at csonka, and csonk just plowed right through him for a short td reception. cool stuff.
  32. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    I don't boil Ricky retiring down to him just wanting to smoke pot. A lot of players smoke pot and mask their tests just fine. In Ricky's defense, and in all fairness... there was much more to it than just that.

    And no, I just don't see how three storied players can jump up and quit the Dolphins for more money and get a free pass.

    For the record... I don't have any ill feelings toward any of them... Williams included. I think each one of them were at least somewhat justified for what they did... which was quit the team.
  33. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    Probably b/c most everybody (including Shula) admitted that the team was being unreasonable. Remember that this was a time when players still had to work in the off-season to make ends meet. They didn't leave for money to get an extra yacht. These guys left for enough money to make a living from one job. Football was really growing in popularity at this point and NFL salaries were rising but Joe Robbie was notoriously cheap. Most people realized that the players made the obvious choice and that just about everybody would have done the same thing. That wasn't and isn't the sentiment most people have about RW.
  34. gofins

    gofins Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Laurel, Md
    Guaranteed. AT LEAST 300 yard less.
  35. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    Keith Jackson was good for this team, albeit for a short period of time. If only he didn't do the "reach for one extra yard" crap that always seem to result in a fumble vs Buffalo.
  36. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    Go back to your post, and where you quoted me, read the last line I wrote.

    I know. That's because most people still believe that RW actually quit a professional football team, where he was the star player and made a boatload of money, just to go... and smoke... marijuana.

    IMHO, that is utterly ridiculous.

    There's a lot more to it than just that. Anyone who knows anything about social anxiety could understand.... and anyone that doesn't understand anxiety... well, I guess they can just continue jumping to conclusions and ridiculing the guy. It's not like anything he says, or I say, or anyone says, is going to make any difference anyway.
  37. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    The obvious choices are on the list (with exception of Zach), but really disagree with a lot of the 2nd choices. Williams at safety? I'd much rather put Brock Marion there. Paul Lankford at CB? What about Keith Byars? OJ McDuffie?

    I am glad to NOT see Chris Chambers on that list.
    T. Nathan22 likes this.
  38. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    LOVE the John Giesler mention on there and you're right TNathan he is one of the most undervalued Dolphins.

    The guy was solid. Put it all on the line.
    There are many stories about how he'd be so beat up from past injury aches flaring up after games that they'd literally have to assist him into the shower after games.
  39. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I read the whole thing. What matters is whether people feel the actions were justified. Most feel that Csonka, Kiick and Warfield were justified in their actions. Some feel that the illness excuses RW's actions, but most don't.

    But the bottom line is that RW, for whatever reason, justified or not, did not have a huge positive impact on Dolphin history. He had one great season and another good season that is comparable to what a host of other players achieved.
  40. T. Nathan22

    T. Nathan22 Dolphins fan since 72

    Jun 10, 2009
    Altamonte Springs, Fl.
    You good people will have to....

    bear with me a bit. I have a problem with being vague. Williams (and Oliver)as safety? As I said based on my favs and NFL criteria. But also IMO the Phins haven't had a blue chip stand alone FS of SS. But I listed tham as a unit. McNeal and Lankford were good as a unit. Brock Marion would be next on that list. IMO he wasn't the second coming, but a very good solid consistant player.
    In my second post I correct myself about McDuffie, I loved him. Byars could play on my team anytime. I had a hard time remembering a FB, thanks for bringing him up. Page was a great player but not long enough with the team.
    I liked Chambers. But only one great year, and an inconsistant career kept him off the list.
    Ohio Fanatic likes this.

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