not sure who has seen this or not, but i came across it yesterday and figured I'd share for those who haven't. EDIT: Its a PR promotion by one of the teams. Apparently the catch is not real. I was fooled, but some wise people on here figured it out. Anyways cool catch/advertisement anyways.
I think thats what the left fielder and back catcher were thinking too. I love how cool she was about it and just flipped him the ball and gave a gracious tip of the glove to teh crowd, like she's done it a million times.
That was great the left fielder and catcher are shocked that she just did that. Has to be one of the best catches I have ever seen.
wow.... I have to ask.. why haven't we seen that a thousand times on espn? why? Crusher, this is WAY cool bro, thanks for the heads up.
you know, i hate to be "that guy", but the announcers just seem really rehearsed to me. even the players too. throw in the fact that it seems to be a "sold out" minor league game... i gotta call shenanigans.
I don't know much about it Seth, but i'm sure someone who follows Fresno ball might know about it. It might gain rapid popularity soon. I was shocked too, but judging the expressions on the players faces, i don't see how it is not real.
I was thinking the same thing...apparently the big wigs at ESPN don't like good sports highlights / stories. I bet if the ball catcher at Fenway or Yankee stadium did that it would be everywhere. If it was in Oakland, Pittsburgh, KC or Tampa it would probably get no coverage
Throw this in with those Powerade commercials where Michael Vick throws a ball 400 yards and that guy surfs a Tidal Wave. Still a pretty cool video though.
Yes and Andy Roddick hitting a serve so hard it sticks in the clay.
Did some research and on the comments on youtube discovered it is fake. Sorry guys and gals, apparently it is a commercial that was done by one of the teams PR groups. Like the afformentioned roddick serve or vick throw. I guess i was gullable to think it really happened. Oh well now we know. And damn sweet ad if i might say.