on any streams of the game? I've bookmarked some you guys gave me, but I was just wondering if you knew of any for sure.
I don't get ESPN, except some version that seems to show nothing much more than that GAWDDAMED soccer. Don't know of any bar here that's going to be open at 8am to show it.
Nope. It's on espn. I get no sports. We only have the basic directtv. I complained about not getting the sports channels on basic and they gave me stinkin' showtime free for 3 months. I get so angry because they took it off regular channels on Mon and moved the games to espn. Just stinks.
IMO, it's so unfair of the nfl to not allow the games on regular tv. For us fans that can't afford extras etc. we miss out on everything. Can't afford to go to games, can't afford extra channels it just burns me up. I refuse to believe the nfl can't afford to just televise the games.
Yeah, I forgot they took it off of ABC, and of course that's when we started getting subjected to the really crappy anouncers Sorry, if it helps I also think it sucks. Actually, so does Direct TV as well.
Yeah, the least bit of hard rain and direct goes out. And we've had nothing but rain here in GA. But, for us right now, it's our only option to see any tv
Call them up right now and threaten to leave and get cable because you've been offered a package that includes espn. I'm willing to bet they'll cave in.. edit:...sorry didn't notice the whole "only option" thing
Since when is ESPN not part of the basic DirectTV package? Aside from the Sunday Ticket we only have the basic package and we've always gotten ESPN. Maybe it's a regional thing?
Well DDebby, the dirty little secret is ESPN costs the content providers significantly larger amounts of money to carry their products, as in 4 bucks a month or so, by moving MNF to ESPN the NFL got a larger contract from ESPN and now people such as yourself have more incentive to add ESPN to your media bundle. The streams won't begin for quite sometime DDebby, at least until 8pm or so, depending some people like to include the pregame shows as well. BTW, without the hullaballou Ross is trying to create, the kick off won't be until 8:40pm or so, and Bob Griese and Dan Marino will be out there for the coin toss.
Must be. We just get this channel not paid for or whatever it says. We just tried again hoping, but no dice.
Really? You're trying channel 206? I would absolutely call DirectTV right now, ask to be transferred to their retention department and tell them you are 100% cancelling immediately if they don't give you a package that includes ESPN. The trick is to speak with the retention department. I can almost guarantee you they will make sure you get ESPN before they lose you as a customer. And if they refuse follow through with it. No reason to stick with DirectTV if they aren't going to give you one of the most basic channels there is in their basic package.
Is the sites chat going to be up tonight? I pity you guys having to answer all my questions. I'll try not to be a pain, promise.
The next package up on direct here has all the sports channels, not the basic. It costs to much for us to up grade. Maybe someday. And I did call and like I said, they gave me showtime.
You could try upgrading to the Choice package (one up from the basic Family package) for the extra $5 a month if only for one night?? They should let you do that, they'll probably charge you proratively? lets see.... Five divided by 30 is 17 cents.
The only thing I'd add then is to make sure your flashplayer/realmedia/shockwave players are updated and make sure you turn off your computer then turn it back to make sure you don't have any open programs running in the background as they clog up your computer while it is trying to play the stream. http://www.adobe.com/products/ 5 hours until kick off.
1. Go to www.myp2p.eu 2. Click on “Live Sports” tab on the top 3. You should now see IND vs MIA, if not, click on the “merican Football” icon. 4. Find the IND MIA game on the screen, and look to the far right you will see a tv like icon. 5. Click that, and it will show multiple feeds and streams (tones sometimes) 6. You may be able to get away with a windows media player stream, but if one is not available you will have to; 7. Download one of the following applications. “TVU Player” or “SopCast”. Both are free, and can easily be found on google. 8. To enter a stream, just hit the blue “Play" link on the left of the given line, and the appropriate program will automatically open directly to the stream with either Windows Media Player, SopCast, or TVU Player. 9. Just download and install both prior to looking for a stream so that you can readily select a stream without worries. This site has all kinds of sports, soccer, cricket, MLB, NBA, Nascar, Formula 1, you name it. A great resource. HOPE THIS WORKS FOR YOU!
I see. I wasn't aware DirectTV even had a package that didn't include ESPN. They probably wouldn't budge considering it's only $5 more to upgrade to the next available package. But you could still try. Were you speaking with the retention department the last time you called? That makes all the difference. If it's not the retention department, you're wasting your time. Paul 13 also gave some great advice. Sign up for the package just for tonight. Cancel tomorrow. Will only cost a few cents. Bottom line is, you have some options to get the game on tonight. Or you can deal with streams that will be choppy / blurry / freezing up / might get shut down half way through the 4th quarter. No way to watch a game IMO.
I just checked to see what was currently listed, and I forgot that there is a third streaming software that you may need, as seen below, "TV Ants". All free programs used to stream. Although there don't seem to be many streams at the moment (There is usually more), more should pop up at game time. Just be sure to have SopCast, TVU Player, and TV Ants installed so you can quickly connect without frustrations of having to DL players while the game is on. Preferably though, look for WIndows Media Player feeds, those I find to be pretty reliable. Best of luck again.
OK. I might need help also. I have nfl network and every channel known to mankind that is available to me but the damn twisters are coming down from the sky and I could use a good backup plan. If you guys find an easy stream please chime in. The satt. does not like the weather here. Thanks
Hi, Huck!! We wanted to thank you (again!) for the SundayTicket feed for the games -- we were up and watching at 1:00am our time last week, and it was PERFECT! Hope you are able to see the game today; we are still trying to get a stream and need to download all these TVants things, per the note above referencing that p2p option. Here's to a great game, all!!!!
No problem. Look at the above post. Med saved us again. I'm glad it worked for you and please enjoy it for the whole season.
Yeah, use P2P.eu as an alternate if Medieval's feed doesn't work. Med, I posted because I heard you were 'apporached'. PS. Keep P2P.eu in mind for anything else though, including NCAA, NHL, NBA, MLB, other NFL games of interest, and all that - it's a great one stop site for most events non pay per view (UFC, boxing, etc.).
Thanks for the links guys and gals. SOME of us don't have TV, so it helps more than you know. (plus, the no tv rule works well with the few hot hippy chicks in Berkeley who love when I say it represents everything evil about our society, when in reality, I am just too cheap/lazy to pay for it).