Are energy drinks bad for you??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carabinieri44, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. Carabinieri44

    Carabinieri44 New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    like red bull...i always get the sugar-free energy drinks.

    i see some people drink 3-4 of them a day and are healthy, but there have been some claims that the stuff is bad for the heart. if i drink an energy drink, its no more than one a day.

    whats ur opinion on them?
    finswin56 likes this.
  2. TokyoFishFan

    TokyoFishFan New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Well, if you like caffiene addiction, then you're fine. Are you mixing it with vodka? If so, then a daily's probably not a good thing--although it does taste good.

    The vitamin parts are good, of course.

    I'd mainly be careful of the caffiene. I had about 4 in an evening mixed with Vodka and my heart was racing at about 3am...felt like it was gonna jump outta my chest.
  3. Carabinieri44

    Carabinieri44 New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    i dont drink alcohol, im completely straight-edge.

    i dont even take medicine when i get sick, i drink herbal teas. lol

    hopefully my body can handle lots of caffeine then
  4. gofins

    gofins Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Laurel, Md
    Not at all. But with anything, abusing it is bad for you. Caffeine dosage seems to effect people differently. Some can take a lot and some can't. When I was 16, I took a few caffeine pills hoping to hype myself up. What it actually did was make me anxious. Not at all the type of effect I wanted. A few years ago when you could still buy ephedrine over the counter, I could take 75 mg and it would give me a buzz but not in a bad way. My heart did not race and there were no adverse effects. Depends on the individual.
  5. KennyStang

    KennyStang Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    There was a thread on FH before it went down about energy drinks, there were more than a few cases of people have adverse affects such as heart palpatations and erratic heart beat when taking energy drinks.

    I used to drink one a day, either Red Bull or Monster. After about a month of this I started noticing that I would occasionally experience heart palpatations and fluttering. I discontinued taking them and almost all caffeine. It may not have this affect on everyone, but I think everyone should use them with caution. They are not as healthy as they want you to think they are.
  6. phenomenalphin

    phenomenalphin Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 1, 2007
    South Florida
    Caffiene effects everyone differently, I drink a cup of coffee every morning and I'm fine. Energy drinks are only bad when you abuse the amount taken, just like with everything. Ditch the redbull and try redline if you're looking for a true energy drink, it's also sugar free.
  7. azfinfanmang

    azfinfanmang Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Yeah, I was gonna elude to that thread Kenny.

    Red Bull excluded (Not that they are good for you anyways) several of the energy drinks have a mixture of many things, that alone dont do much harm (Gurana, Creatine etc etc) but the FDA is warning that in a combination can actually be very hard on the system, particularly the Liver and Kidneys...

    I have a website saved on another computer that I cant access right now. I will post later if I get a chance..
  8. Lab3003

    Lab3003 Golden era

    Nov 23, 2007
    Bal Harbour, FL
    Wanna laugh

    Watch out for that Diet Coke!

    Are energy drinks bad for you? Yes. How do they function? They stimulate the whole body by preventing
    the body from calming down. If the body has fewer inhibitory signals, it is the equivalent of having more stimulatory signals.

    If you have too many stimulatory signals or too few inhibitory signals, you have seizures. Yea, you can have elevated blood pressure and heart rate, but unless you already have a heart condition, or if you're a crazy person and drink an oil drum of red bull, you should be fine. Please refrain from caffeine if you already have high BP, because you could make a serious problem potentially lethal.

    The problem of caffeine is exacerbated by poor liver function, which breaks down caffeine.

    If you're a medical student, though, pretty much mandatory to drink that oil drum of red bull though. That's just how the game goes.
  9. Lab3003

    Lab3003 Golden era

    Nov 23, 2007
    Bal Harbour, FL
    Yeah, stimulating tachycardia will do that. Inhibiting the breakdown of inhibitory signals will increase the force and frequency of contractions (i.e. palpatations and fluttering, though if you're heart is really fluttering, that is actually ventricular fibrillation, aka Cardiac Arrest).
  10. unifiedtheory

    unifiedtheory Sub Pending Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Burnaby, BC, Canada
    I'm not a doctor but I would think that, in moderation they are not too damaging. If you drink a half dozen Red Bulls a day you'll have issues I would think...not to mention that it is just WRONG to have that many a day (I know a guy that drinks that many).

    I stick to having one occasionally. If I have to work late on the computer or at my day job I'll have one as a little boost. I stick to coffee mostly though.
    finswin56 likes this.
  11. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Energy drinks are for *******.

    Coffee. That's it. Nothing else needed.
  12. azfinfanmang

    azfinfanmang Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007

    Coffee? COFFEEE?????

    All I need is a jigger full of Crown Royal poured directly over ice.. That gives me ALL the energy I need.:thumbup:
  13. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Caribou louuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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