As teenagers move into young adulthood, some leave God behind. But not in huge numbers. More than three-quarters of young adults taking part in the National Study of Youth and Religion profess a belief in God. But almost 7 percent fewer believe in God as young adults (ages 18 to 23) than did as teenagers, according to the study, which is tracking the same group of young people as they mature. What young adults are less likely to believe in is religion. The number of those who describe themselves as "not religious" nearly doubled, to 27 percent, in young adulthood.
Personally I am glad to see Athiests like the group mentioned in the article be able to come out at campuses and not be heckled or banned. Its only fair because in my experiences at two different colleges Christian groups as well as others such as Muslim were very active around campus (both on campus and off campus). People that are young and are going to college are experiencing several different things and learning who they are so once again its nice they can get a fair view of every religious or nonreligious group. As for atheism being more popular on college campuses than other places its not really a surprise since college's are typically more liberal ideologically. Although I am not an atheist I don't understand the hatred towards them by a lot of people or the misunderstandings. So articles like this give me hope such things will cease to exist and atheists will be accepted as what they are....normal folks who live normal lives.
I will not judge any other persons belief system and that is also the reason I am turned off by most main stream religions because of their "my way is the only true way" is a judgement of any who don't believe as they do. As has been suggested before I would welcome a religious class exposing young people to all different belief systems. What better way to teach tolerance and true understanding?!
Thank you for those kind words. I've always tried to live by these two rules 1. The truth shall set you free and 2. If you love something set it free, if it returns its yours, if not it never was.