*crikey* it's the mysterious and, if handled correctly, hardly ever viewed by human eye animal. They live only in the Al Gore Super Highway of green space. Quick children shed your eyes, for if you stare to long, the X may be permanent.
Lol maybe. My sister sent them from her work. She doesn't know what PS is so she couldn't have done it.
Nah, for #4 it'd be easy to do. The shadow appears during daylight and you spraypaint the UFO. It's not as unbelievable as you think.
*cough*alen*cough* But then again that is kind of like shooting a deer that's been hit by a truck....
The UFO one is awesome, and while it could indeed be a fairly easy PS, its also pretty easy to do for real, lots of creative silly minds out there, I wouldnt at all be surprised if it was indeed real. The crane holding the moon was pretty sweet too