Barry Jackson Florida Sports Buzz: Fins RB chatter

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by jim1, Aug 10, 2011.

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  1. jim1

    jim1 New Member

    Jul 1, 2008

    • Daniel Thomas has shown encouraging flashes on occasion through nine practices, and he has this message for fans eager to see his debut Friday at Atlanta: “I’m a different player when the lights are on. Fans don’t know what to expect from me, but I know what kind of player I am. I feel I’ll be one of the better [NFL] rookies.”

    Thomas, who averaged 5.2 yards at Kansas State, said his speed has improved since college and “I think I can get 5 yards a carry. Maybe 4.5.” Dolphins coaches have Thomas studying Houston’s Arian Foster because of similarities in the teams’ running games.

    Tony Sparano said what has most surprised him about Thomas – who grew up wanting to emulate Warrick Dunn – is “he has very good hands. Most big backs don’t have that. He catches the ball well out of the backfield.”

    • Thomas is very appreciative that Reggie Bush has gone out of his way to mentor him and offers frequent tips to improve. … Among the passing formations Miami likes is Bush lining up at receiver, with the Dolphins’ three top receivers. That’s a third-down option if Clyde Gates doesn’t earn a lot of playing time early in the season.

    • Lex Hilliard has been running very hard, and how he fares in preseason will help determine if Miami feels compelled to sign a more accomplished third back. (Thomas' play also will factor into that decision.) The front office wanted to see Hilliard late last season, but the coaching staff never gave him a carry.

    • Kory Sheets has looked sharp and explosive off Achilles’ surgery and “they really want to see me play these first two games and see what I can do, mainly pass blocking. They know I can carry the ball.” Sparano said the lack of experience at running back "definitely is a concern, but I feel really good about the group that I have right now."

    • By the way, the Dolphins were so disinterested in Baltimore-bound Ricky Williams – who criticized Sparano after the season – that they didn’t even want him back at the minimum. The only other team (besides Baltimore) that showed interest was Detroit, whose offensive coordinator Scott Linehan approached Williams after the teams played last December, which was tampering. This tampering stuff isn’t uncommon. One respected agent said Nick Saban did it when he was with the Dolphins, asking about free agents still with other teams.

    • Though offensive tackle Bryant McKinnie would love to play here, the Dolphins had not called or worked him out as of Tuesday morning, even though he graded out much higher than Marc Colombo in every category last season (McKinnie was 16th among tackles, Colombo 76th, according to Pro Football Focus). But Colombo played for this Dolphins staff in Dallas; McKinnie didn’t.

    Read more:
    Aquafin, ToddsPhins and PhinGeneral like this.
  2. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    Boy, if Daniel Thomas' speed has improved and he can get 4.5 YPC that'll go a long way towards helping this offense.
  3. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY

    Stuff like this disgusts me and why I've completely had it with this FO. They clearly prefer taking the easy way out rather than sign more talented players that they aren't familiar with.
  4. jim1

    jim1 New Member

    Jul 1, 2008
    I would have preferred McKinnie.
  5. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007

    I dont think it was being unfamiliae so much that McKinnie was cut for being overweight.
    GMJohnson likes this.
  6. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    The guy is reportedly near 400lbs, out of condition and has a reputation for not being all that motivated. Even if we were to sign the guy, he would need a lot more time to get down to proper playing weight and conditioning, and asking him to do it on the fly in the Miami heat would be asking for a lot of trouble, IMO.
    CaribPhin and Tin Indian like this.
  7. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    You do realize Drew Rosenhaus reps both Williams and McKinnie?

    And he also sent out a bulk email to every NFL team saying McKinnie would play for "2.5 million plus reasonable incentives"?
  8. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    If McKinnie was down 40 pounds or so as of now, I would sign him. However, at 400 lbs, that would be just dumb to do. I think we are going to have to role with Colombo/Garner combo, with Willis being the wild card. If Willis is healthy, hes much better then Colombo(although thats not saying to much).
  9. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Those big men can drop weight fast, the problem is he is not in very good football shape, it is not just a matter of losing the pounds, his cardio and overall strength will not be very good, add in Wake was owning him last yr when he was in better shape and what exactly is he bringing to the table?
  10. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    lol..the guy is a 32 year old fat *** that has never taken care of his body like a professional should...He's freakin 400 lbs and your taking shots at our front office..Our staff especially Sparano puts priority on players who have the character to take care of their bodies..
    GMJohnson, CaribPhin and MrClean like this.
  11. Southbeach

    Southbeach Banned

    Aug 22, 2010
    I would welcome McKinnie back to Miami. I believe the move will help both him and the team. Murtha has looked good in practice, Colombo may be the average RT he once was but, there is no way in hell that either are even close to McKinne when he is down to his playing weight, and $2.5M is not a lot for what he would bring to our OL
  12. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    Wake owned some good players last year. Colombo got and is getting manhandled by no bodies.
  13. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Practice vs Games?
  14. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    I think more than his being a former Cowboy, the main thing they like about Colombo is he's a warrior, in that he'll do whatever it takes to play. He gutted it out last year on one good leg and Tony appreciates that kind of dedication. Also, he isn't likely to give you any cause for concern in how he behaves off the field. South Beach would be an irresistible beacon for a guy like McKinnie IMO. Much less so I'm guessing, with a guy like Colombo
    djphinfan likes this.
  15. Southbeach

    Southbeach Banned

    Aug 22, 2010
    Last year, McK was the #16 OT in the NFL playing LT, based on PFF. Colombo was at #76 of 78 playing RT.

    Hmmm, let me try to sort out those numbers, and get back to everyone.
    MonstBlitz likes this.
  16. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    We see where this staff's priorities on character have gotten us so far. Mired in mediocrity.

    I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on o-linemen here. I'm just reading the opinion of the writer that McKinnie grades out better than Colombo, coupling that with what I've heard about Colombo getting owned so far in camp along with past instances of this FO using the Dallas pipeline instead of searching out more talented players and drawing some conclusions. Maybe Colombo is the better of the 2, I don't know. Doesn't change how I feel about Ireland and company taking the easy way out with Dallas connections. There are better players out there worthy of this FO's attention.
    Aquafin and Xeticus like this.
  17. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts

    Seeing how McKinnie was booted from the pro bowl squad for partying to much I'd say that is a valid concern.
  18. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    ?? are you trying to tell me Colombo didnt get abused during last season? in games?
  19. Southbeach

    Southbeach Banned

    Aug 22, 2010
    I think McK being much better, at his worst, than Colombo, at his best, is a bigger concern that partying at the pro bowl. Put the two Canes together, and we will be a better team.
  20. Da 'Fins

    Da 'Fins Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Birmingham, AL
    Like the stuff on Thomas. But I hate stuff like this from all-talk-no-walk Sparano:

    Like his offense will really utilize this? Ronnie Brown had "great" hands, not just "very good hands" and he was underutilized as a receiver his entire career. Sparano had no clue how to use Ronnie in the passing game. Just did not have a vision. Maybe Daboll will with Thomas but ... we'll see if they use the guy effectively in that area.

    I do like the Reggie Bush as a receiver and in motion stuff. He's got open-field talent. Hopefully they won't try to run him like he's Ronnie Brown or something. They have to use him effectively - which means getting him the ball in space, not in-between the tackles.
    Xeticus likes this.
  21. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Bryant McKinnie would not be able to start anytime even remotely soon. He's just a massive piece of **** right now, and frankly, he's probably not that big of an upgrade over Marc Colombo circa 2009.
  22. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Sure they did, they just thought Patrick Cobbs was a better receiver than Brown.
  23. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    Just curious, but can you check PFF for how Colombo did in 2009 and 2008?
  24. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    The only thing Ronnie Brown did well in the receiving game was catch the ball while looking at the quarterback. That's it. He didn't run good routes, he wasn't particularly dangerous with the ball in his hands, he didn't do a particularly good job of finding the soft spot in coverage as an outlet receiver, nor was he particularly good at catching the ball on the run. He got inflated numbers in a broken offense with non-starters at quarterback.

    They weren't at all shy with using other backs at receivers. Patrick Cobbs got loads of use in the role, and it was the absolutely right thing because he was better than Brown at it..
  25. bkbuffet

    bkbuffet Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 28, 2007
    Omaha, NE
  26. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blitz, its the beginning of the 4th year, lets give them a fair chance with their guys in this critical 4th year, in other words, being mediocre thru 3 years {winning record} from the rebuild that was inherited is fine man, actually, its as good as anyone has ever done, I just want to see what this talented group of players can do in their 4th year without sh^%ing on them every chance someone gets..don't believe they deserve such harsh criticism before the 4th year has transpired because of the reasons stated.
    MarinePhinFan likes this.
  27. Southbeach

    Southbeach Banned

    Aug 22, 2010
    Colombo was #25, in 9 games, in 09, and #52 in 08, in 16 games. He was above average in pass protect and run blocking equally in 09.
    MrClean and MarinePhinFan like this.
  28. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    DJ, with all due respect, I'm only ****ting on one player (Colombo), but you're right, let's see what he does in games before I completely throw him under the bus.

    I'm all about EVERYONE having a chance to prove they belong this year. Sparano, Henne, etc. And we do have a lot of talent on this team. Vontae, Wake, Long, Marshall, Dansby, Bess, Misi to name just a few.

    But I see this FO making some of the same mistakes that have helped lead to the past 2 mediocre and failed seasons. I hope Chad Henne can pull a Drew Brees this season as much as the next Dolphin fan, but it doesn't change the fact that going into this season with Henne as our uncontested starter is risky, arrogant, and more of the same of Ireland and his mentor Parcells before him not placing the appropriate value on the QB position.
  29. Southbeach

    Southbeach Banned

    Aug 22, 2010
    Dis, in all do respect, you're saying he's "probably not that big of an upgrade" over Colombo. Isn't any upgrade a good thing?
  30. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Not if you're holding a roster forever waiting for him to get into shape he can practice in, much less play in.

    I think people are also kind of not at all thinking of Murtha. The guy is from what I've seen and heard holding down LT well. He's probably your RT once Long comes back.
    jim1 likes this.
  31. Fin-Omenal

    Fin-Omenal Initiated

    Mar 25, 2008
    Thee...Ohio State University
    Sure, I will beat my chest with my Arian Foster comparison on draft day....actually ill take 3/4 of an Arian Foster if I may.
  32. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    I highly doubt it. The problem I see with that is, If they planned on starting him at RT, they would have him playing RT right now. and letting someone else play LT til Jake gets back.
  33. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
  34. Southbeach

    Southbeach Banned

    Aug 22, 2010
    When Murtha can do the same, at full speed and pads, I will be impressed. Until then, I believe McK is a VG option.
  35. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Well, my question would be why wouldn't he? He is a young guy that if they plan on his starting, needs reps at the position he would be starting at. Him getting LT reps isnt the same as the right side. If Carey goes down for the rest of the preseason would you expect them to shift Pouncey over to RG until he gets back?

    No. Unless they expect Long to be out longer then expected, then I understand it. But it is more important to get him reps in the position he would be starting then having him on the left side just so the OL looks better when it doesn't the least. Especially considering all the time off.
  36. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    I believe that if McKinnie were in shape he would be a clear upgrade at RT. The guy is just a blob at the moment and his lack of conditioning is the reason why no team is beating the door down trying to sign him.

    If he were in shape he wouldn't be available.
  37. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    The difference isn't really that important, and they've said Colombo and Murtha will compete for RT. It's more important to get potential starters on the field, in 1st team reps than the exact position.
    Nappy Roots and Stitches like this.
  38. CaribPhin

    CaribPhin Guest

    McKinnie got cut because he's a fat lazy player. He got cut because he showed up in the 400 pound range and isn't taking football seriously. You want them to throw money at a guy who can't even stay clean enough to play in the pro-bowl?
  39. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    I don't think taking LT reps for a couple of weeks would necessarily be less productive for his development than taking RT strictly. Also, you want to get him experience at LT, because he's most likely moving there if Long ever gets hurt. But I also think the biggest thing they are doing is trying to see what Colombo is capable of at RT. They've seen plenty of Murtha over the past year, but they've seen very little of Colombo.
  40. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I think people are dramatically underestimating what kind of problem McKinnie is right now. It's not the kind of situation where he's simply too big and will just be limited athletically because of it. The guy is a huge health risk. If the Vikings kept him, he'd be on PUP or IR more than likely. Despite his suggestions that he'll be ready to play in 2011, it's been suggested that the Vikings doctor suggested he play next year. If **** like his cholesterol being nearly 400 is true, I doubt he'd even be cleared to practice anytime soon.
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