Baseball trade question

Discussion in 'Other Fantasy Sports' started by Boik14, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    So I was offered 4 deals by the 1st place team in my $1000 per team league. Im thinking long and hard about which one to accept because hes horribly weak on hitting since I wiped him out on the last deal we made months ago. Now Im careful of giving him too much hitting back. However he has two things I definitely need: speed and starting pitching.

    This is my roster:
    Catcher: Russ Martin
    1B: Justin Morneau
    2B: Chase Utley
    SS: Derek Jeter
    3B: Aramis Ramirez
    OF: Alfonso Soriano
    OF: Johnny Damon
    OF: Vlad Guerrero
    Util: Jason Giambi

    Bench: Adam Dunn, Miguel Tejada, Steven Pearce

    Trevor Hoffman
    Rich Harden
    Kerry Wood
    Ervin Santana
    Joe Saunders
    John Maine
    Mark Buehrle
    Cliff Lee
    Mike Pelfrey
    Francisco Liriano

    Obviously my preference is to deal from my bench and leave my starting lineup of bats alone. But he knows better then that and doesnt want Dunn's questionable BA or Giambi. So here are my choices:

    Trade offer #1:

    McNamee's Roid Injectors gives up (me):
    Guerrero, Vladimir
    Tejada, Miguel
    Maine, John


    Peckerwood Jackasses gives up (other dude):
    Halladay, Roy
    Ellsbury, Jacoby
    Garza, Matt

    The good: I get an ace, and solve my speed issue with a guy on an excellent team. I also get a another starter, Garza, Im very high on. Maine has a stiff shoulder but should be ready for his next start though we dont know how he will be thereafter.

    The bad: Vlad may explode with Tex now in the lineup behind him. He also gets a solid SS, and gets rid of the badly slumping Ellsbury.

    Trade Two:
    McNamee's Roid Injectors (Me)
    Tejada, Miguel
    Soriano, Alfonso

    Peckerwood Jackasses (Other dude)
    Halladay, Roy
    Ellsbury, Jacoby

    The Good: Getting rid of Soriano is one less injury prone player. Tejada platoons in my util spot with Giambi and Dunn so hes not a necessity.
    The Bad: Halladay is just as injury prone. Ellsbury ice cold. Tejada and Soriano help him and Soriano does steal some bases just not as many as Ellsbury. Not really liking this one....

    Trade offer #3:
    McNamee's Roid Injectors gives up (Me)
    Tejada, Miguel
    Peckerwood Jackasses gives up (Him)
    Dempster, Ryan
    Garza, Matt

    The Good: I gain a lot of depth. This one probably has the smallest downside. Dempster having a career year.

    The bad: Probaby doesnt solve my quest to add an ace. Adds additional reliance on the hopeful promotion of Liriano and the health of Harden which is always a question though hes due to stay healthy 1 of these years.

    Trade #4:

    McNamee's Roid Injectors gives up (Me)
    Tejada, Miguel
    Peckerwood Jackasses gives up (him)
    Matsuzaka, Daisuke

    The good: Cant really find much I like here. Dice K pitches on a good team and gets k's...
    The bad: He has harden syndrome in that hes out of the game after 5-6 innings and his pen will cost him some games in the slug it out AL East. Also Dice K usually has worse 2nd halves...

    Thoughts and opinions? fire away....
  2. PeaTearGriffin

    PeaTearGriffin Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 8, 2007
    quick quesiton is it roto or H2H? also what categories do you have in your league?
  3. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    H2H, standard 5x5....

    Runs, BA, HR, RBI, SB
    W, SV, WHIP, ERA, K
  4. PeaTearGriffin

    PeaTearGriffin Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 8, 2007
    I would say the 3rd one is your best offer if you want to play it safe.

    The first trade: my concern would be that you would be giving him too much hitting if that is what he really struggles with.

    2nd trade: If Alfonso can stay in the game he would be a huge boost to give away. However you always risk the fact that he could get hurt again and it might be best to move him before he is back on the DL.

    3rd: By far the safest but also is it really going to put you over the edge?

    4th: I'm not as down on this one as you. He'll get you some wins because of who he plays for and he will get Ks and all you're giving up is a bench player.
  5. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Ya I went with 3. I think dempster can maintain it and I am very high on Garza. Ill take the chances rolling the dice on Liriano and worst case i have excellent depth so I just go with 2 start pitchers and matchups which Im usually good at critically analyzing.

    Now the only thing left is acquiring a 3rd closer and some steals.
  6. PeaTearGriffin

    PeaTearGriffin Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 8, 2007
    I feel as if steals are quite easy to find this year there seems to be plenty of people that have at least 20
  7. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Ya im trying to go for another blockbuster. I have a tough situation because while I could grab a carlos Gomez or a Michael bourne for cheap, where in that lineup to i play those guys? They cant crack the starting spots. The only plausible position left to upgrade are OF and SS. So Im gunning for Reyes, Hanley and Rollins, figuring any one of the 3 solves the issue. Ive looked in to ichiro as well but the dude wants too much. And Carl Crawford is apparently N/A.
  8. PeaTearGriffin

    PeaTearGriffin Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 8, 2007
    Well those 3 you might have to give up a lot for. What about someone like Rios, Upton, or Victorino?
  9. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Uptons owner is using him at 2b where i have utley and no other return 2B to give up. Rios is a possibility I guess but Victorino..where do I put him?

    MY OF is still very good...Sori Damon and Vlad...only spot left is util where i have Dunn and Giambi.

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