Saw these guys on 7/10. I'll probably hear "nothing is better than ezra" or some such jokes but whatever. Good relaxed atmosphere. Band was incredibly tight musically and relaxed physically.. they danced and said it felt like a backyard show to them. Setlist includes the following songs (not sure about the order); I meant to write it down in my phone but three long island's pushed that plan into oblivion. Turn Up the Bright Lights Good * Misunderstood * Black Light Lifetime * All In * Extra Ordinary * Absolutely Still * King of New Orleans * Sincerely Me * At The Stars Laid Nightclubbing Juicy * Desperately Wanting * Rosealia * The Loveless Let my love open the door In the blood * * = songs I was familiar with. I was very happy to hear King Of New Orleans live. It is quite possibly one of my favorite songs of theirs. ----- the entrance to the bottle and cork ( lead singer/guitar player/piano player in front, bass player to his right, drummer in the back... First time going to a concert in a long time. Was right up against the stage. Had a blast..
cool stuff. I didn't know they were still around. I remember listening to "Good" when I was in the 8th grade... I'm 28 now, so thats quite some time ago. I remember the song "desperately wanting" too, other than that I figured they'd disappeared. Glad it was a good time bro.
yup good is on "deluxe" and "desperately wanting" is on "friction, baby" and since then they've recorded these
they did disappear dude. they're just not dead. but they had a good run back in the day. those 2 songs you mentioned are the 2 i recall as well.
their new stuff is good too. it's different; but give it a listen if you think about it.. in fact.. [ame=""]YouTube - Better Than Ezra - Absolutely Still[/ame]
It gets addicting as you listen to them.. here's another [ame=""]YouTube - Better Than Ezra "Just One Day"[/ame]
here's more than a few select ones.. [ame=""]YouTube - Better Than Ezra - Return Of The Post Moderns[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - Better than Ezra - Porcelain[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - Better Than Ezra - Scared Are You?[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - Better Than Ezra - Long Lost[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - Better Than Ezra-A Lifetime[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube - Better Than Ezra - Live Again (live)[/ame]