He is good. What I like the most is when he proves that the first two rounds out of his SA colt are faster than his first two rounds out of his 1911 A1. I don't know if youtube has it but I've seen him do that trick. I've never seen anyone faster that is more accurate.
why do guys with enormous guts have to wear t-shirts tightly tucked into their pants all the time? not that I would ever say that to his face..
Watched him on TV, amazing. Had a classmate that was practicing fast draw, with a loaded gun. He put a .357 slug straight down his leg and ended up with a rod in his leg.
And people still question those old spaghetti westerns....IMO the actual guys were probably faster back in the day than the movies show. Even Bruce Lee had to slow down for movies It's amazing what the human body can do when it is trained, honed and doesn't have to think...:ninja: