I think so; now reports say maybe the shootings occurred at three locations: a theater, the PX and a baseball field.
For the record, when i made my joke earlier I didn't realize it was a freaking massacre of sorts. I apologize genuinely if I offended anyone.
Actually I'm amazed at how forthcoming the Penatgon has been in releasing up-to-the-minute information.
12 dead, 31 wounded are the actual figures. The situation is ongoing, however. The shooters were US soldiers.
Damn. What a freaking shame, we're losing enough of our boys overseas, we don't a couple of ****heads taking more lives here.
The Pentagon confirms that the gunmen WERE soldiers, NOT others impersonating soldiers. The shooting began at the Readiness Station, a building where soldiers receive their final physical exams before deployment. The toll stands at 11 dead plus one of the gunmen, and 31 wounded.
Apparently a recent convert to Islam, how sad, reminds a bit of the paratrooper who rolled hand grenades into the command tent of the 101st Airborne.
It will be important to see whether this guy was a lone gunman, it sounds like there were 3 involved in the killings.
Two others have been arrested. But this guy was reported to have used only two handguns, which makes it seem unlikely that he was the only shooter. Shooting 42 people, killing 11 with only two handguns would be difficult.
Someone on the radio speculating that this could be some kind of revenge killing. A supposed black Muslim leader was killed last week. And lots of threats from the black Muslim community came in, vowing revenge. I'm gonna Google that in a few. EDIT: I see this from Michigan. http://www.workers.org/2009/us/fbi_assassinates_1105/ Same person says that "Malik" is often chosen for "Martin Luther King". Interesting perspective. We'll see.