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Bret Michaels

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ellenfins, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. ellenfins

    ellenfins New Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Manhattan, NY
    Fin-Omenal likes this.
  2. Fin-Omenal

    Fin-Omenal Initiated

    Mar 25, 2008
    Thee...Ohio State University
    :pity: I will admidt it. I watched all those Rock Of Love shows.....here, take my man card I dont deserve it.
    ellenfins likes this.
  3. ellenfins

    ellenfins New Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Manhattan, NY
    I watched them too. I'm pretty certain I know why you watched them, if you're a dude! Lol. He seemed pretty genuine to me on the show, as far as character goes. Then again, I really don't know him personally.
    Fin-Omenal likes this.
  4. Fin-Omenal

    Fin-Omenal Initiated

    Mar 25, 2008
    Thee...Ohio State University
    Yea, the boobies went a long way in me watching so often....but it was entertaining and I agree Brett seemed very much like himself in the show and not a gimmick. Hope the guy is alright.
    ellenfins likes this.
  5. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    They're saying he had an appendectomy a few weeks ago in Austin, before a show...but that he's also in the running for winning the apprentice? I thought you have to stay in NYC for the apprentice. Just kind of odd.
    ellenfins likes this.
  6. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    Dude the apprentice isn't live. It's filmed months before you get to see it. He even commented on how it ended well over a month ago in a radio interview.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    i know its not live, but i thought it wasnt delayed that much. i thought contestants had to stay in or near location, per their nbc contract. maybe the celebs have a different deal.
  8. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY
    Even though him and his joke of a band were almost single-handedly the cause of metal of the 80's dying out, I don't wish any ill on anyone...hope he pulls through.
    ellenfins likes this.
  9. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    To be fair to Bret he was the only vaguely talented member of the band and they returned to oblivion after was kicked out. With a serious band behind him he could have been part of something good. No one remembers Bon Scott's first band.
    ellenfins likes this.
  10. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY
    Pauly, no serious band would back him. There are FAR better singers and songwriters than him. Like I said, I hope he pulls through, but I'm not gunna say he was talented. He's a walking hair band cliché, encompassing every bad thing the end of the 80's produced.

    True, no one remembers Bon Scott's first band, but that's a bad analogy. Bon's first band didn't reach the level of success Poison did.

    Besides, Bon was a ****ty singer too! :lol:

    He got by on swagger and stage presence...much like Brett. :wink2:
    Den54 and ellenfins like this.
  11. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bon's first band was a glam rock band, and the only thing worse than hair metal is glam rock.

    You are right in saying they both had stage presence and swagger and not much else, which if you've got the Young brothers and Harry Vanda backing you up means you make the Long Way to the Top (If you Want to Rock 'n' Roll).
  12. Lt Dan

    Lt Dan Season Ticket Holder

    Mar 23, 2008
    Eglin AFB, Fl
    Nirvana was the reason 80's metal died out. Them and all that other crap grunge. JMO
    Big E likes this.
  13. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY
    Cause and effect bro.

    Nirvana got as big as they did because they were everything the late 80's cookie-cutter hair bands weren't. People grew sick of crotch rock and needed an "alternative".

    Metal bands that were genuine and had talent survived.

    Proof of that is the fact that the grunge scene is now dead and buried, and bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Scorpions, and Heaven & Hell (Black Sabbath) are still touring and selling out arenas.
  14. Fin-Omenal

    Fin-Omenal Initiated

    Mar 25, 2008
    Thee...Ohio State University
    Guns and Roses reminds me of that young stud you draft who has a great rookie year then just hits the wall and fades away.

    GNR was ready to put Rock on its back, but the bickering and the drugs took control.
    dolfan22 likes this.
  15. TrueDolFan

    TrueDolFan Minion of Satan

    Jun 17, 2008
    Twin Cities, MN
    I disagree.

    There is a reason why Poison is one of the quintessential 80's rock bands. Along with Motley Crue, they are synonymous with 80's glam metal.

    They didn't kill the rock scene in the 80's. The poop bands that copied them like Winger, Slaughter, Firehouse, etc. (god, what crap) are what did it.
    mor911 likes this.
  16. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY
    IN a way you're correct bro, but none of them would have been around unless Poison got so popular. And let's face it, their music was horrendous.

    They were the originators of the style before substance part of the 80's.

    Funny thing, even though their music sucked as a band, the four members of Winger are probably some of the most gifted musicians in rock. Kinda like when Shula signed all those former #1 picks in his last year and the team ended up blowing chunks. :wink2:
    TrueDolFan likes this.
  17. TrueDolFan

    TrueDolFan Minion of Satan

    Jun 17, 2008
    Twin Cities, MN
    I agree, Poison sucked. Girls loved them, REAL metal fans (like you and me :up:) hated them. But I gotta give it to them, as formulaic and cookie cutter as their music was, they were the ones who wrote the formula and fabricated the cookie cutter.

    I also agree that Winger was, on technical level, leagues ahead of their peers. I respect the hell outta Reb Beach in particular.
    Pagan likes this.
  18. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    Nirvana "crap grunge"?

    Nirvana was a helluva band. if you like Music.

    technically..spectacular. they even have a classic unplugged album. that takes talent.
  19. TrueDolFan

    TrueDolFan Minion of Satan

    Jun 17, 2008
    Twin Cities, MN
    Saying Nirvana (or Kurt Cobain) was technically spectacular is like saying that the Goddess Bunny is a great, technical tap-dancer.

    Nirvana had some good songs, don't get me wrong. Cobain is THE teen-angst songwriter.

    But as far as possessing great technical talent, that is quite simply a joke. Cobain was just about as far from being a virtuoso as you can get.
    Section126 likes this.
  20. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY
    Gotta agree with True on this one Section. Nirvana benefited from being in the right place at the right time, and I hate to say this but they also benefited from Cobain dying.

    They probably would have been lumped in with most of the other "next big things" (I.E. Smashing Pumpkins) and forgotten had Cobain lived.

    They weren't technically spectacular in the least. They wrote simple, catchy songs.

    You want technically spectacular, listen to Dream Theater.
    Section126 likes this.
  21. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    nirvana was overrated. Having said that poison didn't almost kill metal. The people that listened to bands like poison almost killed metal.
    Pagan likes this.
  22. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY
    By George, you're right....
  23. ether79

    ether79 ****

    Dec 21, 2007
    Terre Haute, Indiana
    Nice call! Metropolis pt 1 and 2 are about as technically spectacular and enrgossing as music can get.
  24. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    I don't really see why Poison even comes into it. Metal has always been driven by bands like Deep Purple, Iron Butterfly and to a lesser extent AC/DC, Iron Maiden and Metallica. The dinosaurs still own the metal age and provide the bedspring for all else that calls itself metal.
  25. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY

    I'm really trying to understand this one. Deep Purple? Iron Butterfly? Maiden and Metallica to a lesser extent?

    No one in their right minds call Purple or Iron Butterfly "metal". Hard rock at the most.

    Metal has always been driven by Sabbath, Priest, Maiden, Metallica...bands like that. Never have I heard ANYONE refer to Iron Butterfly as metal. AC/DC aren't metal either.

    Poison comes into it as by the late 80's, the douchebag media started referring to hair bands as "metal".
  26. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    I can agree with some of what Trues and Pagan said...

    But I just disagree.

    Their unplugged album is a classic. an UNPLUGGED album. LOL. that counts for something...no?
    HardKoreXXX likes this.
  27. FasanoPaisano

    FasanoPaisano Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Near People's Pizza

    Here's the difference between hard rock and metal:

    A diminished 5th, a major 7th and an extra 70 beats per minute
    unluckyluciano and anlgp like this.
  28. Uncle Rico

    Uncle Rico New Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    I think that's a good observation. Besides Nirvana, I throw in the "Black Album" as killing hair metal too.

    As for touring and selling out arenas, Poison is still doing that too. I saw them last summer and they put on a great show (they opened for Def Leppard.)
    That's right, I saw Poison recently, go ahead and laugh if it makes you feel better, I'm an easy target.
    FasanoPaisano likes this.
  29. FasanoPaisano

    FasanoPaisano Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Near People's Pizza
    Hey, I like about 3 songs by Poison and about an album's worth of Cinderella songs.....does that make me a bad person?
  30. Uncle Rico

    Uncle Rico New Member

    Jun 8, 2008

    I never liked Cinderella but saw them a few years ago and they were great live!
  31. Zeke0123

    Zeke0123 message board ******* Club Member

    Nov 22, 2007
    Warrant Killed it..."shes my cherrypie" was the undoing and the first time I saw that ****ing video I knew it...when hair bands and metal got lumped together for some reason that was it.
    Uncle Rico likes this.
  32. Zeke0123

    Zeke0123 message board ******* Club Member

    Nov 22, 2007
  33. DOLPHAN1

    DOLPHAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    The term Heavy Metal came from a lyric written by Jon Kay of Steppenwolf in the late 60's. The song was "Born To Be Wild". The phrase was taken and used on some of the new bands coming out of the late 60's/early 70's due to the heavy guitar riffs, bass lines and solid drums. It was used to categorize bands such as Kay's Steppenwolf, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. None personified the label more than Sabbath as Iommi tuned his guitar down to alleviate stress on his amputated finger tips as well as match Ozzy's limited vocal abilities. The effect caused a low and eery "heavy" guitar sound.

    During the mid 70's bands like Judas Priest and later Iron Maiden elevated the music genre giving it a distinct sound and following heading into the 80's. Once in the 80's the term was bastardized and twisted to match what ever the musical flavor of the month was on then popular TV music venues such as MTV and USA's Up All Night.

    Looking back many of the original bands labeled as Heavy Metal tend to disagree with the label often preferring Hard Rock or just Rock. Strangely the band most associated with the term, Black Sabbath, are quick to establish they believe the term is miscast on them and believe that musically bands like Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple fit this moniker much better.
  34. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    Saw Deep Purple three nights ago. Ears still ringing. Definitely heavy metal.

    The dinosaurs still rule the heavy rock/metal/whatevayawanttacallit jungle.
  35. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    ... So you've never seen This is Spinal Tap?
  36. Ray Finkle

    Ray Finkle Member

    Dec 9, 2007
  37. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY
    Black Sabbath has an extra 70 bpm??? :tongue2:

    There's a key word there Rico..."opened". They wouldn't be headlining anything above a small hall. Bands like Maiden and Priest are still headlining MSG and European festivals.
    Cinderella was SO unfairly lumped into the hair band genre. They are more just a good blues-based rock band than anything else.
    FasanoPaisano likes this.
  38. frozenfin

    frozenfin Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    My girlfriend is the biggest Bret Michaels fan in the world, she's really sad about his health troubles. We saw his solo band just last month and I got to meet him, indeed he's a very genuine dude no matter what you think about his music or its place in history.

    There's really just two kinds of music, good and bad. I used to hate Poison but my girlie has gotten me to appreciate it for what it is. I'd love to get into the "what is metal/what killed metal" discussion but not enough time at work, heh. Just gotta say though, up the f'n irons!
  39. Pagan

    Pagan Metal & a Mustang

    Mar 22, 2008
    Newburgh, NY
    For that comment alone we can almost forgive you for liking Poison. :tongue2:
  40. Bumrush

    Bumrush Stable Genius Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Nirvana was great but overrated.. I'd prefer to think GNR Appetite for Destruction, Ritual De Lo Habitual by Janes, NIN and even Faith No More ushered in a new era of music that had an edge to it.. Unlike the garbage 80's hair bands...

    Best concert of my life was Lalapalooza 1992 - The day before Hurricane Andrew.. Pearl Jam (peaking with Ten) Soundgarden feeling outshined, RHCP with Blood Sugar Sex Magic, Ministry creating a 10,000 person mosh pit.. There will NEVER be a collection of talent as raw and upolished as that line up.. NEVER. All those bands had their best albums out at the same time..

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