"Natural causes" as described by doctors, is simply death in the absence of outside causes such as homicide or accident. Apparently Murphy's heart condition, along with her "flu-like symptoms" - which may have been H1N1 for all anyone knows - was enough to cause just the right conditions for her death. She was also reported to have trouble keeping weight on her whole life, to the point where she often looked unhealthy; if that was due to an inability to properly metabolize and absorb nutrients, that could have been a contributing factor.
I believe it was from Dr. Drew on Adam Carolla's podcast, said that he had heard that she was on a lot of prescription meds and also had a lot of problems with an eating disorder and liked cocaine a bit that could have helped in the cause of death. But who knows until the autopsy report comes out.
Not sure I'm quite buying the story either. Her attitude that had been documented before her death and appearance just leads me to believe something besides her heart condition or whatever.
BY prescription she was taking antidepressants and I believe a sleep aid, plus some anti-anxiety med like lorazepam. But, seriously - half the country takes those. She was let go from at least one movie because she was sickly and her appearance suggested (without evidence) an eating disorder or drugs. But, like I said she had trouble keeping weight on, and that could've been caused by a number of things. Anyway, we'll see when the tox report comes back and the full autopsy results are in, if they make them public.
Well we don't really know what (or everything or anything) she was taking though. Just because they're prescription meds doesn't mean that they weren't dangerous, just look at what happened to Heath Legder. Something strong like painkillers are prescription meds too and she could have been abusing something like that as well. Dr. Drew's comments (and I wish I could remember exactly what he said) was to the effect that it was well known she was a pill popper. And I do believe, though could be totally wrong, that it has been documented she had an eating disorder and liked to party (aka did drugs).