I wouldn't blast by it if I were you...here's something that is good to know: To find out more information, including which towns have already signed on to this, check out the link below: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/broward/sfl-flbpolice0715sbjul15,0,6574588.story
I read that. Technically, they always could pull you over. I mean, what was gonna happen if you challenged that cop for being out of juristricton anyways? Anyways, Broward is descending into a police state vs. gangster state, and I dont know which one I fear more.
hmmm, I wonder how legal this really is.. a city cop is only licensed in his OWN city.. a county cop in his own county, and a state trooper anywhere in the state. This must be some sort of "deputization"
I live in Coral Springs. On a DAILY basis I see cops from Lauderdale, Tamarac, Lauderhill and Sunrise around town. I havent seen them pull anyone over so Im not sure if they just live here, but it kinda makes sense now.
What's the point of Broward County officers then If the Davie cop can hit me with a ticket in Pembroke Pines, etc. ????
I touched on this briefly in CR's thread. The Ticket system (especially in Broward County) is a complete farce IMO. I'd love to see how many are written in this county per year. It has to be amongst the highest in the country. I sure as hell hope they've dedicated extra officers to the crime/drug element of this area instead of just letting these A-Holes write speeding tickets wherever they want...
Interesting insight Marty. What happens if an "Outside" law officer actually witnesses a crime in the act? Do they have to put a call in and wait for the correct Jurisdiction to arrive? If so, that would be proverbally seeing Cops handcuffed.....
A sworn officer's jurisdiction is statewide. The idea of outrunning a pursing officer to the county line and escaping only exists in old movies.
And Dukes of Hazzard But what if we are talking about speeding tickets? Should a Margate officer be worried about writing tickets in Pompano Beach?
I know in California, a cop can write a ticket in any jurisdiction. I have 2 brothers-in-law and 3 nephews that are all in law enforcement. They can write a ticket anywhere in the state of California. They usually don't though because its more hassle than its worth, especially if someone decides to fight the ticket. But if they did, the ticket would stand up in court.
As I said, they always could under County Mutual Aid Agreements. This is just kind of making sure all the municipalities are on the same page.
I just know Dade will follow suit...and that would suck because I always fly by Medley cops in south dade
As of right now in Miami-Dade...I think that any cop that sees a felony in action can take action (sorry for the redundency). He just can't do much about a traffic violation