This should be fun, and easy. Select an image below and add a caption to depict whats happening in the picture. Please be as humorous as possible without crossing the line of obscenity. Have at it!
No, I said 2 large pies, right...everything on them, 50 chicken wings, extra blue cheese dressing..... you got those little bags of chips? Funyuns? Sweet, a dozen of those....and...oh, a Diet Coke.
He is a big man... that is for sure... It would be funnier if your HC and GM weren't two tubs of lard as well.. At least Rex is a 3-1 tub of lard. BZ
(sorry, forgot the Tuna wasn't your GM... he should be, maybe you would have drafted better last year) As for YOUR big man... talk about pots and black kettles. I love how he NEVER tucks it in, because he knows he has a load of lard under that shirt. At least Sexy Rexy brings it with his belly. BZ
"Hello? want me to appear on the Biggest Loser? Look lady, I'm already the Jets Head Coach, whaddaya want from me" Jabba Rex thinks Wes Welker would taste like chocolate..
Im guessing you mean Parcells, who is not out GM. Also, if you are indeed referring to parcells, you might want to remember parcells is almost 70 years old. He's not trying to be in front of any cameras and he certainly isn't standing on any sidelines. As for Sparano, He certainly looks like a fit man in comparison to Rex. oh and as far as the 3-1 comment, seriously, how good was mangini his first year?
Dude, Tony Sparano looks like Karen Carpenter compared to Rex Ryan. John Goodman is embarassed by that man's wasitline.
See.... now the Tuna knows how to rock those Man Boobs... Tuck in the shirt and show it off... just like Rex. BZ
And here you are with your second string QB starting because your first string QB got hurt and our defense (with our crappy first round pick) has allowed 3 TDs in 4 games. Jets: 3-1 Dolphins: 1-3 And your point? BZ
Cheeseburgers... Strawberry Milkshakes... Double Triple Chocolate Fudge Surprise Ice Cream... REPORTER: MR RYAN!!!!! Pancakes... Pizza... Mmmmmmmm..... Marshmallow Cream Pies...... REPORTER: MR RYAN!!!! WE HAVE CANDY!!!! Rex: Huh? What? Channing Crowder is a douche bag. We're gonna kick his ***. Go Jets! Now where's the candy?
Why stop there? Our first 2nd rounder: Phillip merling, had a pick 6 and practically beat the jets by himself in the finale of last season. Our 2nd 2nd rounder, Chad henne: Currently 1-0 as a starter. Our 3rd rounder: Kendall Langford, has 3 more sacks and 21 more tackles than Gholston.
"That's right, take a picture fellas, this is the first time I've after anything but an ice cream truck in 20 yrs.."
Yes, it means their season started out great, their fans got their hopes up ..... and he let them down in the end via the interception?
Well, this week you're facing the best rushing attack in football, and the 2nd best rush defense. Oh, and our 2nd string QB has more starting experience than your rookie. And we didn't have to trade up to get him. Good luck this week. Channing Crowder should be the least of the Jets concerns. And to keep this thread on topic.... does Dominos deliver by skydiver? It would be sweet if ya'll could air mail that **** right into my mouth.
Helicopter: "Sir, that emergency case of McDonald's Big Mac's you requested is being airlifted to the stadium as we speak." Ryan: "Excellent ... I see you now. You're clear for landing ... Just look for the big black blob. That's me. Har har har."
your right. favre just didnt have it anymore. thats why the jets lost last season. [ame=""]YouTube - NFL Week 3 - Brett Favre's game winning touchdown pass to Greg Lewis with 2 seconds left in the game[/ame]
Crocodile Hunter: "What we 'ave 'ere is the Fatimus Arsimus in it's natural 'abitat. This expression on it's usual stuffed face indicates that it is thinking of stimulus. For the Arsimus, this includes things like pizza, cheeseburgers, and of course deep fried foods ... take a picture chaps, 'is one is quite rare!"
That was a great game to be at especially for my first game to travel too. and it was awsome seein yeremiah knock the sh*t outta farve on the last play of the game! then seein the old man run inside not congratulating anyone