Friendly joke with neighbor that actually had an experience not to long ago. Portable Stripper pole. This was a party on Saturday at our neighbors house.
Neighbor and one of the friends the occurance took place with, just happen to be there. Everyone had a great time. Had requests to make more.
Bro Brother Lucky wanted to see pics, and I am several hours late posting them. I finally had a chance to get them on here.
Thanks brother, I had been curious for a while lol. Next time make it a giant candy cane strippers pole thatd be hilarious.
well, i only know cuz i heard the story and was waiting for him to post pics so i could see what one looked like cuz, uh, i'm innocent and all that, dunno what one looks like.... ya.....that's it.
It is all good Brother Kenny, she was in the chat room when someone asked what are you doing John, and there you have it. Went to home depot to get the stuff to make it. My wife helped in the decorations department.
Great pictures John. I'll post some when I get home and if Marty makes it home on one piece, I'm sure he'll post a picture of our lunch today
Yeah, I got over that. Its the UNHIP part I cant quite shake LOL.. According to Unhip- ADJECTIVE Usually used by Un-cool kids to describe how they feel about 12 year olds that seem mature for thier age, I didnt say Merriamwebster on purpose...go ahead, throw the red flag and CLOSELY look at that link
suuuuurrrre......can't spel fer crap and now he's trying to look clever... to late Kenny... it says volumes you don't recognize a stripper pole... you need a night out with d-day to bring you up to speed, that desert dwelling has stunted your social delinquency