Ole Miss hoops Coach Andy Kennedy apparently got obnoxious with a cabby and is accused of using racial slurs and hitting him, which resulted in him getting arrested. that part i had heard. the following i hadn't. trying to beg his way out of it (and scared of losing his job, i am sure), he told the Cop "this is going to be a national incident, sir." the cop, without missing a beat told him; "You think we've never arrested somebody that's made national media? ... We deal with the Bengals all the time." priceless! P.S. MODS, sorry if i put this in the wrong place, wasn't sure whether to throw it in the "college" or "other NFL" forums. figured "the lounge" was a catch all for humor.
"the cop, without missing a beat told him; "You think we've never arrested somebody that's made national media? ... We deal with the Bengals all the time." Some people like to believe their tax dollars are paying for the Cops to protect them. I like to believe mine are contributing to awesome pwnage like this. God Bless America.