At 47 years old, Pam Obadia knows her chances for conceiving a baby are slim, but "there are such things as miracles, so we are going to hope for that," she told CBC News on Monday. The British Columbia, Canada, couple are trying to conceive a child so they can use the umbilical cord’s stem cells to save their son Ben, 8, who is battling leukemia, CBC News reported. The process is called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, according to CBC News, and the embryos would have to be pre-screened before in-vitro fertilization so that the couple could be sure an embryo matched Ben’s tissue type.,2933,351303,00.html
What I read to............... but at the end the doctor just states there are some ethical questions I didn't think that was one of them.
Not to turn this into a POFO or Religous debate, but how anyone can be against Stem-Cell research is beyond me.
Hi Dupree,I invited you to be my friend but I haven't heard anything back yet?You have something against girls? I know you like girls!!
Is the controversy the idea of them having another kid just for the spare parts? I know the kid's actual parts arent used, just the umbilical cord, but it kind of goes into that territory...I guess. They arent letting nature decide or whatever and are having this kid using screening so the cells match their other son. Reminds me of a good Law & Order episode. Hope it works out for them. The full article that Fox paraphrased is a bit clearer, stupid Fox
The people who are against it are against embryonic stem cell research, not adult stem cell research. And the reason for that is the same as the abortion debate. But, as you state, any real further discussion lies in a different forum.