it only cost him 1.3 mill..?? wow... i hate living in California sometimes... although, i never understand why you need SEVEN BATHROOMS.... one for every day?
Gap, that pic in your sig is *THE* greatest combination of creepy and funny I have ever seen. As for Cutler, stop being a baby. Your getting paid a wad of cash in a year most people would never see in a lifetime. Maybe you got almost traded, maybe. WHO CARES! As long as your still with the team cashing your paycheck, you go out and be a professional. You are not above being traded. Grow up.
Philip Rivers may have been on to something when he called Cutler a cry baby. Seriously, isn't he proving McDaniels to be 100% right for wanting to trade him? He is alienating his current team, and probably seriously limiting the number of teams who would be willing to deal with him. He needs to get one thing through his head. He is not Brett Favre. He did not win 3 straight MVPs. He did not win the Super Bowl. Making it to the Pro Bowl does not give him immunity. Ever since he said that crap about having a better arm than Elway, he's been doing everything in his power to prove that his arm is the only thing that could compare to a Hall of Fame QB. I'm so glad he is not a Dolphin.
I'd take him over any of our QB's. Regarding him being a 'crybaby', that's what he was known for throughout high school to college to now the NFL. That was one of his red flags coming out I believe. It comes as no surprise. However, the reason his house is going up for sale is because Josh McDaniels told the media today that Cutler is on the trading block. ESPN reported it.
I don't think it's too shocking. Sure Pennington's a good QB but Cutler's younger and definitely a more dynamic passer. I'd take him over Henne.
Hey... cutler... suck it up. quit being a baby. the nfl is a business. GM's talk about trading players every day of the week. shut up and play. Grow up already... youve been in the league what... 3 years now... win a playoff game, and maybe then you can whine... just a bit though. Talented QB yes... but come on, grown up. get over it, move on and PLAY
Really? He's a very good QB and better than what we have right now. Some will knock him for making bad decisions and throwing interceptions. Yes, he does throw a bit much, he had eighteen this past season. However, he threw 616 passes this past season. That averages out to 38 per game. He completed 62% of his passes this past season and played with an absolutely abysmal defense and barely any run game. His team was often behind so he threw it a lot, was being the gunslinger he's known as and made some mistakes because of it. Its expected when your throwing as much passes as a Big 12 team in college football. As for him over our guys, its simple to me. He's young and he's proven. Chad Pennington has never played two healthy years, he's getting older, I'm not as big on Chad as others are and Chad Henne has done nothing - I understand why he hasn't, he has a good reason.
You're right about Cutler being a proven QB. I don't think the play calling or the game situation should be a crutch for his mistakes. Instead I view them as the revealing of his flaws. He has shown that in situations where the defense knows the pass is coming, that he will not deliver. Do you think that will fly in the playoffs with the game on the line? If a Cutler led team makes it to the playoffs, I'd be willing to bet that it's a very short lived experience.
Yeah, I'm with you guys... i'd take him... although I'd prefer it if we played in a dome... I worry about his conditioning in south Florida.
Then again, when the Ravens bottled up our run game, Pennington didn't exactly fare too well against the D. Though Cutler has delivered against the pass D late in games only to have his own D give em right back in the past.
Chad P is a far more conservative QB than Cutler, and look what happened to him. What's going to happen to a sloppy arrogant kid who thinks he can will the ball into any window?
nothing wrong with arrogance, as long as it's contained. But Gish, you lost me on the "Look what happened to him" part
I wouldn't doubt it. Though in this case, he won't have to will the ball so much. I wonder though if being away from high altitudes might help him out. Warm weather can actually help with insulin regulation in diabetes.
I thought we won... Seriously, Cutler can make all the throws... Pennington can't... it's a different game vs the Ravens with Cutler at the helm...
Denver @ San Diego - Week 17 - Division on the line - 33/49 67% 316 YDS 1 TD 2 INT LOST 21-52 He also had pathetic games against us and New England. And neither of our defenses compared to the likes of Baltimore. So please tell me how Cutler would have given us an advantage again? EDIT: Joey Harrington can makes all the throws too.
I actually wouldn't take Cutler over our guys. It's not b/c I don't think he's a better QB. Under any standard prospect evaluation Cutler would be the highest rated among those three. The reason I wouldn't take him is that I think he'd be a bad fit for us. I think that his mistakes and what now seems like questionable leadership skills would hurt us more than the big arm would help us. I think that if he was on the Dolphins we'd have better passing stats and a worse record. This completely based on a subjective feeling though.
I agree .Never been a fan.IMO he gambles too much and is as liable to lose a game as much as win one . A bit to Favre-ish for my liking and I mean in his later years. Anyway getting back to the gist of this article I dont think it means anything .He lives in a Condo and he is not selling that.It would be a story if he was selling everything .
He also owns a condo in Denver, where he'll live until he's traded. Cutler is nothing more than a big crybaby. I don't want him on the Dolphins. Just because he has a good arm doesn't make him a great QB, just look at the guy in Oakland. Alot of fans out here were pissed at the Broncos first, but now they are kind of turning on Cutler and would wish him to just shutup or go away.
I think we have better luck trying to find one clip of Deion Sanders making a tackle before Ginn going to the HoF.
Think about it... Cutler would just wing it as far as he could and Ginn would run under it for the next 8 years, we would never make the playoffs but Cutler would have 4500 yds passing and Ginn 1400 yds recieving every year. C'mon where are your guy's priorities!
I can see why Cutler would get pissed, McDaniels handled the situation very poorly, but at this point he needs to just accept that the NFL is a business and hes much better off taking the high road and being a team player. He could get traded to the this point he needs to be a man and move on, he's not untouchable, he hasn't earned that status yet.