I don't know if this game is available on PC or what consoles it's coming on... But I downloaded the demo from XBL last night. It's hard for me to express my feelings for it. It uses Half Life 2's Source Engine. It's not very pretty. But after putting 10 minutes into it and getting a level up or two. You really start to use your powers and experiment in the game. I loved the demo. I really did. I'll be getting this when it comes out.
I know there is a dark messiah available for computer. I played demo it thought it was okay not great.
I did some research. It cam out for the PC just over a year ago http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_messiah_of_might_and_magic Got mid 7's to high 8's in reviews across the board. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/929360.asp?q=dark messiah of might magic I didn't dig it at first. This actually makes more sense as to why it's not so visually stunning. The game play was different. But turned out solid. Me likes.