UPDATE: Initial reports state suicide -reportedly thhe maid found him hanged in the wardrobe.
It looks like there is more to it than an intentional suicide: Another report indicates that the "other parts" were his genitals.
maybe he was told he couldn't marry his dream girl? nah, if this was murder I hope they catch the person who did it. and then do the 5 point palm exploding heart trick on him/her
Note to all: Never masturbate with a rope around your neck and "other body parts". If you die as a result, people will laugh at you for a very long time and make fun of your children.
That is weird...any Medical issues?? Any terminal illnesses?? The "other body parts" is speculation right? No known specific confirmation yet? ....RIP!
When you are down 1 love? or When the count is 2 balls, no strikes? -- thanks, try the veal, and remember to tip your waitresses.
Not only that, the guy was in THAI-LAND. The sex capital of the world! That's like going to Vegas and playing Solitaire on your laptop the entire time.
Hadn't noticed this until right now. Whatever the case, suicide or not, unusual circumstances or not, RIP.
Carradine's Manager said he suspects foul play. Im sure he is just trying to protect the reputation of his client, but that's pretty unbelievable.