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Deadliest Catch: The Death of Capt. Phil

Discussion in 'TV, Music and Movies' started by Fin D, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    On tonight. Anyone planning on watching? We're taping it and watching tomorrow. We are avid DC watchers, and this is going to be surprisingly hard for us. I know that sounds silly, but it is what it is.
    Soundwave, gafinfan and Zippy like this.
  2. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    Nope not gonna watch
  3. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Can't bear to.
    Fin D likes this.
  4. maynard

    maynard Who, whom?

    Dec 5, 2007
    clearwater, fl
    i saw it. pretty sad.
    Fin D likes this.
  5. Phinperor

    Phinperor formerly In_Flames Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Very sad, Phil was my fav. of the entire cast... :sad:
    Fin D likes this.
  6. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Watched it, thought it was well done and was surprised how close the cameraman had grown to Capt Phil.
    Fin D likes this.
  7. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    We ended up watching it last night anyway.


    At the end of After the Catch, there was the most wonderful and fitting tribute to Capt. Phil, in New Orleans. You imagine it would be exactly what he would have wanted.

    SIDE NOTE: It is a shame that DC has to share the "reality show" moniker with all those crap shows out there. It is so much better, intelligent and full of class, it deserves its own category.
  8. Zippy

    Zippy The Man in Black. Club Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    Sugar Grove, OH
    You almost feel like you know them after watching it long enough.
    Fin D likes this.
  9. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    I gave in and watched the last 10 minutes along with ATC. For some odd reason I find myself hating Keith a little bit more. It seemed he would blurt out a "your old man---" and the rest of the fleet captains would just kinda give him a look like "you're so full of ****, you know Phil hated your guts"; moreso with Jake and Josh. They just kinda gave him a look as if to say "stfu Phil hated you and you hated him".

    Anyway, yeah it's weird. The only people in the "reality TV" world I actually ever felt genuinely sorry for. Didn't cry, but still. It's rough the way Phill's relationship with Jake ended. Maybe they made peace, but the editors wouldn't have made it known by the way the cut/paste the show.
  10. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    I think you do actually. I don't think these are the type of guys that put on airs for the camera, you know. Besides, if you've seen the Geico commercials with the Hillstrands, you'd know they can't act their way out of a paper bag...lol.
    gafinfan likes this.
  11. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Yeah Keith is douche for the most part. However, hearing his little girl and just how great she is about his dip habit, makes me think there's a side to Keith we've never seen.

    Jake decides to go to rehab, before his dad died. He told his dad before he left, and you could tell everything was set right. I think both boys have changed their ways a bit, during After the Catch this year they both were smoking electronic cigs.

    The person I feel for the most in regards to Phil's death is Freddy the Samoan deck hand. Him finding out next week is gonna kill me I think. The person I fgeel the most for is Jake Anderson though. Last season his sister died, this season his dad is missing, and to top it all off...he works for Sig.
    gafinfan likes this.
  12. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Actually the whole thing with Keith's daughter seemed staged to me. Didn't she recite a quote for him? Seriously? Do little girls talk like that?

    Jake A has it the worst. Seems like one of the hardest-working deckhands on there; has been ever since he was a greenie. Doesn't deserve half the **** that happens to him.
    Fin D likes this.
  13. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    How did Jake A's dad go missing? Hunting trip...just leave?

    Watched everything today (DVR) the entire 3 DC shows and the ATC special. Next week is 2hr special as well.

    The ATC special obviously had time pass, cause they were talking about Sig taking on Jake as deckhand, and Josh did work with Time Bandit (all while they wait to get CM back into shape with full crew, etc)...so wonder if the boys time on other boats is the upcoming King Crap season vs. this past Opi season that just finished up in Feb/Mar, etc at time of Phils passing.
  14. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    I also take it the Kodiak Boat is the current/temp replacement boat into the mix?
  15. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    They're not sure or haven't given the details yet. From an earlier ATC, it appears they still don't know his whereabouts.

    Do you mean episodes? There's been many episodes this season, they went through King and Opie seasons. Or do you mean the 3 episodes that dealt with Phil?

    ATC is always filmed after the 2 crab seasons are over, probably closer to the actual present. Jake was on Sigs boat earlier in the King season. Capts. Sig and Phil swapped Jakes for a few weeks. It seemed to me the part in ATC that you are referring too, it was mentioned that IF something went wrong with CM, Sig would take Jake and Jonathan would take Josh. I think the boys are actually in the works to get the CM. Though I may be wrong.

    Who knows. They may need another ship depending on what happens to CM.
    BigDogsHunt likes this.
  16. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Ok, thought I missed something.

    The 3 episodes last night....leading up to the ATC. those are what I taped, plus the ATC special in NO.

    They are - Josh made that clear....but I didnt see the past episodes with each of the boys on different boats.

    yeah, honestly, as a fan of the show....all I kept thinking is this Kodiak Captain and crew have been watching this show for years, now they get their chance, etc. Would have to be interesting to be a deckhand/captain and try to FIT IN, etc.

    For me...since I just returned from a trip to Anchorage and Fairbanks, I love this show so much more....just a personal thing.
    gafinfan and Fin D like this.
  17. gafinfan

    gafinfan gunner Club Member

    Just saw this thread, Phil Harris was a heck of a man, may he RIP. Been watching this show since the begining, love it when the boats are on the BS. I guess once a sailor always a sailor I love the sea.

    I too hope the boys get the CM, surely they should as Phil was half owner. They did a great job last night showing Phil thru out the years. Watching his dad talk about Phil sure brought a tear to my eye, you could feel the love.

    Anyway bye Capt Phil we love you man. You will be missed!
    finyank13, Fin D and Big E like this.
  18. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    I didn't watch the tribute, I have it taped though. But I watched the other two episodes. Phil represents alot more to me than just a man on tv. My own mother, who is a little under 2 months older then Phil would be at this point, almost lost her life to smoking, so watching Phil die was very hard on me. I do wish his family the best and I did feel like I knew him personally almost.

    RIP Phil.
    gafinfan and Fin D like this.
  19. maynard

    maynard Who, whom?

    Dec 5, 2007
    clearwater, fl
    i agree. deadliest catch is closer to an open ended documentary to me
    texanphinatic, Fin D and Big E like this.
  20. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Them dudes tough, sheesh, 19 hr days, the Cpt reminds one of a overworked cabby..on Day 1..just 89 more days to go!

    Imho, he should have gotten a "Madden Award".
  21. gafinfan

    gafinfan gunner Club Member

    Did everyone catch the last show of the year last night? If not heres a small look into that show. Josh goes back to the CM and states hes going to be around awhile but Jake is stricking out on his own to find out what he wants to do with his life. (A guess on my part is that he'll be back as the money is to good to turn down esp. with him being so young) Anyway I wish them both all the best. Sid and his brother parted ways but at the shows end Sid feels/hopes the money will draw his brother back, Jake Anderson meanwhile goes in search of his dad during this down time. He said he would got a bike (motorcycle) and roam the woods looking for his dad. The Hanstroms got back together, Time bandit hauled in 1.6 million dollars worth and keith was beside himself. More coming, next year!

    RIP Capt Phil, you will be missed!
  22. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    yeah I saw it, pretty awesome...got deckhands making 40K for 9 weeks of works...wow, and that is just one half of the season, king's are earlier....

    I like Josh, you could tell he went back to the vessel, to ease his pain, thats is where he belongs...

    Edgar is one of my favorities, dude is a real guy man, loved how Capt Bill sheetcanned that punkarse in the previous episode too....

    Capt Phil RIP.....loved the motorcycle gas can paint job...
    gafinfan likes this.
  23. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    I always tune out whenever Bill and his flunkies are on-screen. Should this happen, I might just tune out Deadliest Catch completely.
    gafinfan likes this.
  24. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    Kodiak captain has no personality.
    Phinperor and gafinfan like this.
  25. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    I like him, he is all about the loot.....and destroyed it on the crab count too....plus he fired that dude for being a douche....
  26. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Or crabbing skill/regard for the safety of his crew whatsoever. He has no idea what he's doing out there and blames it on his crew; find the crab before you complain about anything else. Dude cared more about a pot denting than he did the deck hands below it as it swung about 20 above the deck.

    As far as his crew. Worst fishermen ever. It's almost like watching the Whale Wars buffoons trying to fish/tie knots/lollygag out there.
  27. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    didnt the Kodiac finish 1st in the crab count last night?
  28. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Yeah, I couldn't believe they'd actually managed to kill half the tank by putting A ****ING DEAD FISH IN THERE JUST FOR HE HELL OF IT! Had that been Sig's boat (wouldn't happen on Sig's boat, he/Edgar are hawks to catch anything weird) all of them would have been out on their asses asap. Might have even been thrown overboard or used as bait had the guy been caught red-handed. And why the **** would you even do that? What was he thinking? After all that time you spent hauling/sorting/storing the crab you go and do something ******ed like that? ****ing moronic :pity:

    That guy was the worst. He's like the dude who makes a killing but works like it's minimum-wage.
    finyank13 likes this.
  29. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Didn't watch last night. It was probably TV magic or something. I don't believe it.
  30. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    He's likeable, but you cant replace Phil Harris with this guy.
  31. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    2 totally different vessels....and yes you are right there really isnt replacing Capt. Phil

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