Wii Fit I can get. The rest not so much. Animal Crossing: City Folk, ugh. At least Clone Wars Lightsaber Duels had something to it. All I know is this, GC I could play Rogue Leader and the MGS port. I just can't find those must-play games for me on the Wii. It's a shame Fallout 3 and MGS4 aren't getting the sales they should be getting.
I bought a DS for my kids. Not surprised to see those numbers. I actually bought it on the 26th and was extremely lucky to get a hold of one.
The 360 and the Wii were somewhat close. The PS3 was sucking hind tit yet again. It was nowhere near close, it was outsold 3-1 by the Wii, and 2-1 by the 360. The only positive for the PS3 is that total 2008 sales were only roughly 1.5 million behind the 360.
They sold close to a mil and 360 had a mil and a half. I think it is pretty close. I don't consider the wii necessarily a competitor to the 360 and the PS3. Not because of the high sale volumes but of the type of system.
They're all primarily games systems. From the start, they were designed for people to play games on them. I think 360 and Sony execs just started saying the Wii isn't there competitor because they know they've lost to it. I can understand the cry of defeat. I mean when you put all this effort into a system like blu ray, hard drives, online experiences, and such but the rest of the world would rather sit back and play wii sports, its pretty deflating. But the wii is there competitor, unless Sony wants to admit that the Ps3 is a Blu Ray player first, and a gaming machine 2nd.
That might be the case. It also might be the case that it isn't a competitor in the fact it doesn't take away customers from them according to their research. No one plays Wii Sports. You just wiggle the stick around and the game does whatever it wants to . People would rather watch Wii Sports with the illusion of playing it.
But it does. The Wii takes away sales because of its price point mostly. I'd imagine if the consoles were all the same price, the slaes numbers would look much differently. (which is why microsoft is pushing the arcade unit as 'cheaper than the wii') There is no doubt in my mind that when parents go to buy their kids a console, they see the price of the wii and their sold. And I know Ps3 isn't aiming at kids, but that could be why their losing so badly. After all, advertising solely to hardcore gamers and adults is the reason the Dreamcast died.
I agree. Ya notice we agree on everything BEFORE this generation of gaming? Original Soul Caliber FTW
I'm jaded by by the Wii and I think the PS3 gets wrongly crapped on. Soul Caliber was awesome and so was PowerStone, Dupree. I believe you can get it for the PSP though.
I hate the Wii. I can see why people like it. I just hate the controls. They suck. They really really suck. They don't do what I want them to do, when I do it. They are so inaccurate. Plus I tried to play The Simpsons Game on the Wii and it just handled horribly. It was hard to make simple jumps. I got it for the ps3 and no problem. I am sure there would be no problem with the 360 either. I just feel having control is important when playing a game. Plus I think Wii Fit is just plain stupid. Those are my personal opinions though. I still don't see the Wii as a competitor for 360 or ps3 as buying a Wii doesn't really make having a ps3 or a 360 redundent. Which there is much more redundency between ps3 and 360.
I feel the exact same way. As far as owning the 360 and the PS3, I see what you mean about the redundancy. Luckily, I feel that each one gives me a different experience.
i don't disagree with any of that. I bought the Wii for Nintendo games. To this day the only games I own are Nintendo games. I love zelda, mario, mario kart, and smash. those are why i bought the system. (That and the backlog of virtual console stuff. And some of the Wiiware gems) However the controls are getting better. Now that 3rd party developers are figuring the Wii out, some developers are actually making controls better for the Wii than the other two. Shaun White, for example, is better on the Wii than 360/ps3. I've heard the same about Star Wars Forced unleashed as well, although what you gain in control you lose in presentation, obviously.
I would guess you know this, but you are severely limiting yourself. There are some truly amazing games out there that are: 1. not nintendo 2. not available for Nintendo consoles.
The only system I don't have is the Ps3. (including both handhelds). I was just stating that, on the wii, all i have are nintendo's games.
i have it on the ps2. and it is a great game. Got pretty long winded at times, but I love that art style. the new prince of persia was a lot like it.
I purchased SMG and Brawl. I traded them soon after. I don't know what it is but those games just didn't do it for me. I've loved the Mario series til now with exemption of Sunshine and Melee was awesome.
I love brawl. but...I have no problem admitting its the same game as melee. Which makes me ask: How did brawl not do it for you yet melee was awesome? Eh? EHHHH? lol As for galaxy, your not alone. A lot of people feel that way. I absolutely love that game but a lot of people just don't. Have you played Super Paper Mario? It's definitely a more classic feel to mario.
I didn't really get into the first Paper Mario. My tastes have probably just changed. The only games that I've really liked on the Wii so far have been Twilight Princess and The GodFather.