Well its official, get out your brooms phin fans! We've swept the Bills!!!! Now lets celebrate with some pics to look at shall we! As usual, ill do some gathering of pics from around the net and put them here in this thread for your convenience, as usual, credit to the photog's who took them.
I got stuck watching a stream today, so i had my laptop with me to watch it, so i figured I might as well get a head start on this during commercial breaks
In one of those pics Will Allen seems to be helping Marshawn Lynch remove his facemask. Musta been that tackle right against their own goal line. Allen also had that huge interception. Another great game by Will Allen.
can someone try to find the pennington wink? it was in the first quarter and i noticed him look at the sideline and wink at someone.. i'll try to find it again tomorrow but i really want a picture of it edit: found it: its at :28 seconds left in the first quarter after the martin pass. can't get a good screen shot of it though..