Well, we did it! Worst to First! AFC East Champs!!! Unbelievable! By now Im sure most of you have seen these already (im late with this thread since I had a family/holiday gathering at my brothers this evening which i was an hour and a half late for because of the game haha) but I'm going to post these ever, we need the pictures from this one to celebrate! Lets get on with it shall we... great shot of ginn's td here...
Awesome, just Frick'n awesome! I could have swore that I heard "Let's go Dolphins", chants from the stands?? I was watching on tv, but still think I heard that? Is this true?
LOL....that will be on several folks Avatars and Signatures soon......(Several @ JetsNation and GangGreen, no doubt). Haahahaahahahaa
i LOVED watching bell lay favre out on that play. It was a thing of beauty. I could watch it over, and over, and over again!
Great photos. The one with Goodman picking off Favre and still looking at the camera for a photo op is great.
Someone has to caption this picture. Priceless... http://www.newsday.com/media/photo/2008-12/44261656.jpg
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/sports/content/sports/slideshows/2008/dolphins/12/1228jets/ Great pictures. Roth's face in the first one is damn funny, pics 27 and 28 are good too.
Thanks, great pics in there. Does anyone know how to capture flash pics without printscreen and pasting in paintshop?
wow.. 16 is an awesome shot of london's diving catch 18 is just awesome... i love the dejected look on favres face 25 is an awesome shot of sparano and roth in the first one, i think about sums that crazy SOB up pretty well.
Is it just me or does Favre's wife look a little heavy in the trunk in pic #3? Maybe it's just the angle?
Is there any chance to get one of these great pictures as a wallpaper? I would love to have the Fasano Touchdown Catch on my desktop