nice finds!! Thanks for sharing! I still LOVE the idea of the rooks not having the fins logo on the helmets. Make em earn it. I think its great.
Yeah, it certainly looks like this is the 2002-2003 circa, low 230's Ricky Williams build. I would be really nice to see him with if not the quickness of old, the power. I've really had a desire to see Ricky put his shoulders down vs. Rodney Harrison at some point in the open field for a while now.
Maybe he's getting ready to outrun a few more of the players! Great pics, thanks! Nice to see #23 with a football in his hands!
I wonder at what weight Ricky is at. I believe he was at 235 in the 2002 season correct? He looks pretty huge right now.
Now....Im not trying to start anything, and im not trying to sound stupid, even though i am...but is it me...or Ronnie looks...umm....Darker...?
He's always been pretty "Thick" there. Not Ronnie "Thick" but not Ginn thin either On that note, anybody else remember the thread I started at FH about how big Ronnies BEHIND was? Not that it matters...just asking...
this pic makes me laugh for some reason....#76 is just like...i dunno and the wincing guy looks like he's ripping one
Thats TGinn And ricky in the beginning of pic...matt Roth trying tro break his the guy in the backround mcKinney?
I am not sure WHO it really is, but I dont think that is Roth. No tats, and he has on the wrong color jersey. The D has darker jerseys on.
That guy looks like rosannes husband only older and fatter, he kinda looks like someones dad who won a contest that lets him practice with NFL players