Dolphins "open minded" to stadium in Palm Beach

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Serpico Jones, May 9, 2013.

  1. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Ravens, , Seahawks, Chiefs, Bears, the four best venues imo, study them, go talk with Paul Allen about how the fans being closer to the action has enhanced their culture and affected games, (I'm sure they don't want to talk about it) bring back a bit of the orange bowl for all the nostalgia and keeping with your angle of modern history.. Make it about 65 Thousand seats, 750,000.. And call it the
    DOLPHAN1 likes this.

    DOLPHAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    I think when Joe Robbie made Sun Life a dual sport stadium, he condemned that stadium. it killed the Orange Bowl atmosphere and I think that with a few other issues have worked to kill attendance. make it football only with the amenities mentioned and I think attendance will pick back up...

    but then again, more than likely we end up with "lipstick on a pig"...
    smahtaz likes this.
  3. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Well, I've figured out thru all the fancy videos and pics, that the stands are not gonna come closer, just some added rows and a I believe the narrowing of the lower endzone corners, basically it's impossible to move the lower and upper bowl closer to the field for 375 400 mill, so basically lipstick, oink oink.
    DOLPHAN1 likes this.
  4. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    oh he condemned it alright, and not just for us, the canes as well, hell all the people involved didnt have enough vision to understand the extreme that was about to unfold over the next two decades.
    DOLPHAN1 likes this.
  5. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    You can get a good estimate by the traffic on the way out of the stadium. I'd say that a majority of fans come from both sides of the Dade Broward line and live in Dade or Broward. Maybe a slight edge to Dade. A definite edge if you count from Broward on up. BUT there could be tons of fans lost that live in Dade. That's a lot to make up for Palm Beach county.

    Moving the team to WPB is not a huge deal for diehards but it is a pretty long drive for me coming from south of Kendall.
    ASOT and Coral Reefer like this.
  6. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Latest news says that the mail in votes were counted (60,000 of them) and the Dolphins were losing the vote 57% to 43%.

    EDIT: So much for my short term memory. Fixed the numbers to be more accurate.
    ASOT likes this.
  7. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    well that sucks
  8. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    "The Dolphins made a non-refundable $4.8 million payment to Miami-Dade County to cover the costs of an election that would have happened on May 14. The election was blocked by the failure of Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford to act on a bill that would have authorized the election."

    I wonder if the county pays that back..not likely..

    Ross laid out over 10 million for an election that never happened..

    And the public let him down, boy we as a city are doing everything possible to chase the guy away eh..

    Man has to be incredibly disappointed in this area.
  9. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Reading the entire article it says the County still has 1 million left over from the money Ross paid to do with as they please, so apparently they don't get any of that back.

    Then you have the old lady at the bottom banging the Florida Taxpayer drum about taxpayer dollars. She filed an absentee ballot so she probably doesn't pay property tax or sales tax. Seeing as though Florida doesn't pay state much of a taxpayer is she really?
  10. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    I'm pretty sure it would have ended up fairly close had not died in the House. The early voters were the ones dying to kill the bill and most likely the ones who never even read what the agenda was actually about.

    Even if it stayed the same it's not a huge margin to make up! Had the dolphins not been in a hurry for this, it could have worked out for them IMO. The Govener did say e would like I see a favorable vote but never said it had to be.
  11. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Considering the nature of the referendum, low turnout should have been expected on the day of the election itself. Early voting would have played a large part in it. I'm not saying this is proof the Dolphins would have lost but it sure gives a good suggestion they would have. You expect what, maybe 200,000 more votes? If that? The remaining voters would've had to vote yes 53% to 47%.
  12. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    You're reading too much Stringer Bell.

    Just because the NFL's business model is predicated on free money doesn't mean it's correct.
    unifiedtheory and ASOT like this.
  13. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii

    Even though I voted early and I voted in favor of the referendum, this vote count doesn't surprise me in the least. I felt prior to the vote that it wasn't going to pass. I just don't think that there are enough fans of the Dolphins in Miami-Dade to ever get the votes necessary to pass a referendum on using tax dollars to renovate or build a new stadium. There are too many people living in the county who either don't follow football at all or are not fans of the Miami Dolphins, but fans of other teams in the NFL.

    Sadly I think that this will eventually lead to the Dolphins relocating to another area. This could be to another area in Florida, such as Palm Beach, or it could be to another state. The only way the Dolphins could ever get the tax dollars to renovate the stadium in Miami Dade would be for the locale politicians to bypass the voters and allocate the tax dollars similar to the way they did for the Marlins new stadium. Unfortunately the politicians are not going to do this because they saw what happened to the mayor of Miami-Dade County when he backed the Marlins plan. He was recalled from office by 90% of the voters.

    Perhaps Ross or the next owner will eventually be willing to pay for the renovations or the building of a new stadium in Miami. Because I think the chances are ever getting tax dollars in this county to renovate the stadium is remote at best.
  14. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    I love ya Deej, but:
    ....that's what non-refundable means.
  15. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    Through my membership in the U of Miami Alumni Assoc. and contacts within the U of Miami Board of Trustees there is simply no money available to pay for a new stadium, or Miami would have built one years ago and left the old rotting dump in little Havana.

    Contrary to many false views, the U of Miami is actually a very cash poor school (especially compared to big state schools). It's success in sports is really a tribute to hard work, vision and a bit of good fortune, because it defied the odds in having the success it had in the 1980's to early 2000's.

    The rules and circumstances have changed now and the odds have so increased against Miami, and smaller schools like them, that it is unlikely we will ever see such success from a school like Miami ever again in college football. Hopefully even those that hate the Miami program will eventually stand back and examine with a fair eye & view and applaud them for the amazing 20+ years that IMO will never be witnessed again in college football.
  16. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    This is exactly what I was taking about several wees ago.....the snide "little Havana" comment proves it. The haters of Miami-Dade. When I talked about why the rednecks north of Miami take every chance to put things down here, and also to stick it to us, this is a prime example.
  17. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    Not to even mention the fact, that the population of Palm Beach-Martin-St. Lucie counties is made up of a majority of people originally from outside of South Fla (mainly the NE) and if you believe the attendance is bad in games that don't involve the Giants, Jets or NE is bad now, try getting those people to a game vs. the Chiefs, or Cardinals. Good luck.

    Here in Miami-Dade the attendance problem will correct itself once the team begins to win again. The past has proven that.
  18. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    I told you DJ that it would never pass. Blame that on Loria.
  19. Mcduffie81

    Mcduffie81 Wildcat Club Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    Lake Worth, Fl.
    I'm not a redneck in the least so I'm not offended by that comment, but nice try. I don't like it far down south. I'm not alone. Its dumpy, the traffic is horrible, and half the people don't speak english thus the nickname "Little Havana".
  20. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    Ross is really backed into a corner, he's got a pissed off fanbase, a losing team and now he can't get any support from the state.
  21. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    No DJ, the public had nothing to do with his losing $ 10 million. He should fire whoever told him that going the way of a public vote was the way to go. He could have done what the Marlins did.....whoever advised him on this whole matter is to blame.

    You need to get over this idea the public owes a ****ing multi-billionaire a dime. They don't and no matter how much whining and pouting you do isn't going to change that. Grow a pair and move on. This issue is dead unless we are to build a new stadium (which would be owned by the public - run by the public - and which the Dolphins pay rent and part of the concessions to the county to help defray operations costs and repaying the public for the stadium).
  22. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    It wasn't a question, I was being sarcastic,
    Fin D likes this.
  23. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    What ? If she is a homeowner she pays property taxes, and who gets out of paying sales taxes ????? (which is the most onerous of all taxes as it taxes the poor on a bigger % of their income than others)
  24. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    the boosters and formers stars coming from that school could put together a unit with money to become partial investors no?, I know for a fact that a lot of them hate sun life with a passion.
  25. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    :lol: Your response proves the redneck point
  26. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I never believed for one second it would pass, not sure what gave you that impression..Loria's to blame and whoever decided to make it a public vote should be to blame as well..thinking the Miami resident would overlook floria and realize what pro football means to your region was expecting to much.
  27. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    much of it his own doing......he needed to make a change at least two years ago that would have perhaps changed at least the public perception, but he retained Ireland instead of getting rid of him at the same time Sporano was dumped. It was his chance to tell the public I get the message, you hated the Parcells regime, and we're changing. But he decided to stick with his failing GM.
  28. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    DJ there is no way they can give enough to cover a $ 500-600 million required for a stadium. 2nd where do you put it ? No room on campus. Tropical Park is always a possibility but then the school would have to pay the county for it......that would only add to the costs, and if the county helps pay for that stadium, they then wouldn't have money to help the Dolphins out.
  29. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    of course I blame whoever advised him to let the resident don't put matters of this level of importance in the hands of the S Florida resident, they haven't showed you they get it when it comes to football, they overestimated yeah, I blame ross and his people for not having the foresight to keep it in legislative hands.
  30. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I'm talking about and have always talked about for years, a joint partnership between the dolphin and canes..a dual plex, interchangeable, canes and dolphins would galvanize both histories and fanbases.
    DOLPHAN1 likes this.
  31. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    DJ you really do let your love of football cloud your priorities. I get that you're a fan, but also you are failing to understand that football is not a necessity for living your life in South Fla. Most people can & will live their lives just fine without football, so its not a complete necessity as you seem to think.

    For most folks its not a priority, and really it shouldn't be. Just because it is in your life, don't act like a spoiled child dude. Come on.....get over it, it lost, its over with, and get on with being a Dolphins fan.

    Its time for all of us to actually move on (incuding myself). The thread is just turning into a petty pissing contest between those of us that live in Miami, and those that hate Miami (I am to blame too).

    Mods lets close the thread and lets get on with talking football instead.
  32. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL

    I don't think you understand just how cash poor the University of Miami is.....dude they are on a shoestring budget.
  33. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Let me say i don't think the public should give money to a new stadium.

    Having said that, what the hell man? DJ didn't get pissy with you at all, and the public didn't vote on this, so its not over and not a done deal.

    Further, if you want the thread closed, stop posting in it.
  34. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2012
  35. WhiteIbanez

    WhiteIbanez Megamediocremaniacal

    Aug 10, 2012
    Too bad the people of Miami care more about pro baseball than pro football. Too spoiled and self important to support the Dolphins.
  36. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    You don't know what you're talking about.
    ASOT likes this.
  37. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Huh? You don't know what the people of Miami wanted because it never went to a vote. The early/absentee ballots are not indicative of the end result of a full vote. Politics killed this bill.
  38. WhiteIbanez

    WhiteIbanez Megamediocremaniacal

    Aug 10, 2012
    Attendance was as low as it has been in decades last season and don't give me that "put a winning team on the field and they will come bull****"
    I despise fair weather fans which is the city of Miami. I see other teams lose consistently and still pack the building. It's a joke.
    They would vote down the chance to host a SB. Bunch of asshats in this so called fanbase.
  39. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    Did I say he got pissy with me ? No. But he is acting like a spoiled child. It's over and done with. If this is going to be addressed again it will be next year or beyond. Why keep harping on it ? The thread has lived it's life and is now moving in a direction that is not productive to the board at all. Your post points to that - you attack me & my opinions about the thread, for no other reason than to attack. That's not what the board needs at this time.

    Mods please consider for the board closing this thread.
  40. WhiteIbanez

    WhiteIbanez Megamediocremaniacal

    Aug 10, 2012
    I can gauge their support by the amount of empty orange seats I see every week.

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