THANKS...GREAT JOB In the first group of photos Hartlines number 82 looks like number 32 I had to reach for a nitro-glycerin pill
On the Cobb TD look at that emotinal less robot running down the field smiling. I also remember seeing him on the sidelines slapping the offensive line and Wrs. but Couldn't be, robots don't do that.
FIELD GOAL!!!! sorry, I had to.[/QUOTE] Actually I think this one is "BALL GAME B*&^%!" Keep'em coming Tony!
I,for one have said that he is STILL young and is our best chance to win. Sure,Penny is a lot smarter but Henne has a dimension to his game that will get even better in time. The other fundamentals will come with experience.
"When the rest of my kind comes to kill all Humans, you shall be spared." /101010101010101010010101010101
lol my father wasn't looking when they showed sparano doing a fist pump, so i rewound the dvr for him. we had a good laugh.
Would some of you consider the Raiders a rival? I think it is, there is just something about them. Ever since that sea of hands game.... Plus, Raiders fans seem to hate the Dolphins. I know they usually hate everyone, but the Dolphins tend to have a bunch of fans out there including San Diego, maybe that's why.
bahaha. It looks really weird eh. Like one is massive compared to the other. I can't explain this one Weird.
Took me a bit but you can tell by looking closely and seeing Ricky's cleats at the bottom of his shoe.
33 points? WTF is this ****! Berger's facial expression in this one is priceless. 'Hey Chad, what the hell is he doing?'
I'd make a joke about how there's no way they look similar cause Marlon actually made a guy miss and scored, or maybe something like "marlon actually caught the ball" or something like that but im way too classy for that.
I would hope all Dolphins Fans would....goes back to the glory days of the '70's and real football (MIA, OAK, PIT as kings of the hill)....and that damn SEA OF HANDS game. Oakland ended our Playoff streak coming off back to back SB titles. Then the damn WFL departures. Its always a great day when you beat Oakland!
Indeed! Now I see that Vernon's right leg is nowhere to be seen, so that's got to be it. Or maybe that Moore caught the ball and ran down the sidelines for the TD instead of running out of bounds when reaching the sideline?