Per Omar Kelly's twitter page ( the phins have released JD Quinn and added Jared Bronson to the did not report list.
Who do you have on your "following" list phinnedd? I've got Mando, Edgar T and Omar K, but I "think" Skolnick is also going to tweet from TC? ETA: @MikeBerardino and @EthanJSkolnick
Well, it would seem to me that means Alleman's back is better so they could cut Quinn to make room, I'd guess we need three centers (Grove, Berger, Alleman) but I doubt we will train a guy to be the pivot in the Wildcat then just cut him for the Patsies to sign like they did with Al Johnson
Yep that's the one. Don't have Biggane. Oh yeah, there's Edgar Thompson Just looked up Brian Biggane and nothing on his page According to Alex Marvez, Zach Thomas is going to be a father for the first time pretty soon.
Quinn did not look like a good fit here.So much baggage .Not enough talent. I would not be surprised if the coaches did not like his attitude.