I really have a hard time believing Parcels would do this.
I was thinking that Parcells left Dallas because Jerry Jones signed TO and Parcells didn't want him there??
Did I call it alen? I don't think there is even a smidgen of a chance that TO ends up in Miami, he goes against everything this team is trying to accomplish (getting younger, team chemistry, etc).
I call bullcrap. This, IMO, is a case of a "journalist" not doing his homework. Anyone who knows anything or did their due diligence, would know that this would never happen as long as Parcells is here................Of course this could a sign that Parcells is leaving. What? I'm just saying.
No, TO only goes to good teams and makes them worse, he is getting older, and may be trying to work faster, but you typically need a couple of 9 or 10 win seasons before TO shows up to ruin things. And never trust a guy whose initials are a bad thing: RW=Ricky Williams RB=Ronnie Brown AF=anthony Fasano TO=Turnover That would be like drafting a Qb named Ichabod Nigel just shouldn't do that...
Let's dissect the actual quote, shall we: "According to Fanball sources, the Cowboys and Dolphins may be discussing a trade for wide receiver Terrell Owens." 1. "According to Fanball..." What the hell is Fanball? 2. "According to Fanball sources..." Where are these sources? Often times a source is attributed to a place, such as "sources within the Cowboys" or "sources in the league office." These fanball sources are completely unattributed. 3. "...the Cowboys and Dolphins may be discussing a trade..." May be????? Either they are or they aint. If the source was knowledgable, then they'd know if there were actual talks going on. Conclusion This "report" is a big pile of stinky, worthless crap.
I can help here. Fanballs are what are tucked tightly between my legs (unless I am walking at which point they are then dragging on the ground) while I root for my Fins!
Absolutely no truth to this. None. I'd bet my house on it. Somebody, whether it's Fanball or its "source", is reading too much into the Miami-Dallas pipeline and forgetting the circumstances around Parcells-TO that preceded it. I'd bet this began as a figment of someone's imagination.
Seriously, Parcells wanted nothing to do with TO in 2006. How long was it before he actually had a conversation with him? Months? So what has happened in the almost 3 years since TO was forced on him that would change Parcells mind? Well, TO's gotten almost 3 years older, signed a fatter contract and sabotaged his third team in six years. Yeah, I'm sure they're burning up the phone lines.
Didn't Parcells loathe the idea of TO on the Cowboys when he was there? Wasn't it Jerry Jones who went over Parcells and got him anyway? If they're speculating this purely on the Parcells-Cowboy connection, they couldn't be more wrong
T.O. would not be happy with Pennington's careful downfield decisions (i.e he doesn;t throw it up deep and often).
Parcells repeatedly referred to TO as "the player". He hated TO so much, he wouldn't even mention the guy's name!!!
I have a copy of the transcript of the phone call. *ring ring* *ring ring* BP: "Hello Big Tuna's reclamation and restoration yard" JJ: "Hi Bill it's Jerry here!" BP: "Jerry ... Jerry ... Jerry ... are here it is, filed under P for Patsy. Wassup Jerry my dawg?" JJ: "I want to talk to you about a trade ..." BP: "Hold on a minute I'll get Jeff and Tony in here." *puts JJ on hold* "quick quick you guys come here - Jerry is offering us a trade" JI and TS: *muffled laughter* BP: "Now you guys be quiet remember" *takes JJ off hold* "OK Jerry I'm with you, so what are you proposing ..." JJ: "Well I was reading on the fan blogs that you guys might need another WR and it so happens that I have a spare one here" BP: "go on" JJ: "well in exchange for your first round pick I could let you guys have Terrel Owens" TS: "WTF??????!!!!!! - There's no ...." JI: "Shhhh!, don't worry Tony this'll get better" BP: "Why Jerry thank you for your kind offer" *puts hand over receiver and points to it with the other hand, then points to his temple and makes circling motions then points back to the receiver. "but we think that price is a little high, how about this as a counter offer ..." [20 minutes later] BP: "Let me get this straight, your offer is we take TO and you get a bucket of warm spit" JI: "Pssst Bill - ask him what kind of bucket" TS: "yeah, we won't give up a good metal bucket, maybe a plastic bucket with a broken handle" ... *tape ends*
Would be an excellent move for Miami, Chad needs a true #1 WR with a strong ground game to succeed for more than a season (I know this firsthand), but I just don't see Bill Parcells making that deal. Carl Peterson might though.
I wanted to respond to him, but you know me I would have said something you would want to spank me for Marty
God help us all from all these rumors and JUNK. We had so much going on before, I wish we could just move forward and let all this stuff go. Why can't our team just do what they do best--play football. We finally have a coach that can think. Do you really feel any of them (coaches, bp etc.) would try and mess up the direction we're going?
Fanball sources? LMAO..... This isn't even worth discussing IMO people. It's so obvious what happened here. Some geek in a back room paid to come up with fantasy football stories decided to link the talk of TO leaving Dallas to the end result of him coming to Miami based on Bill Parcells and Ireland having been in Dallas and their obvious interest in players which they brought in. The funny thing is that this "source" clearly follows football less than avg. fans that know that the word was that TO wasn't Bill Parcells guy at all. He wanted nothing to do with TO and that TO's attitude is far from anything Bill P. want's on his teams. IMO this is just more examples of paid media reps completely embarassing themselves by showing how little they really follow the sport they are covering.
yikes... well im glad that im sure theres absolutely no truth to this nonsense... TO here would ruin everything that this team accomplished, and stood for this year.
Nah, this is a case of a "blogger" trying to get massive traffic to his site... And its working. I have already come across this item on three other sites. Some serious linkbait here... There is not a chance in Carebear Land that there is any validity to this story...
wow.....could you just imagine him on the sidelines yelling at Chad for not getting him the ball? gives me chills just thinking about it.....will never happen....
We wouldn't take him on to begin with let alone his 9 million dollar contract.
No way its happening..If Ross comes in, and Parcells decides to stay it will be great...if Ross will even mention "The Player" by his name, Bill will walk out.