Drafting by the numbers.

Discussion in 'NFL Draft Forum' started by dabeastdabone, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. dabeastdabone

    dabeastdabone New Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    (1st) I'm sure most of you are aware a large part of why Houston drafted Williams instead of Bush or Young was because Williams and the Texans agreed to the contract prior to the draft, where they couldn't agree to the contract with Bush and Young.

    I think it makes it interesting and I hope the Dolphins treat it the same way. I believe we have 3-4 guys on the radar for the first pick and I say we bring them in and tell them how it is going to be. It's a nice luxury that only the first few (at best). Any thoughts?

    (2nd) I was one of the few who liked what Houston did in bringing in Williams instead of Bush because Houston's defense was and always had been bad and in a pretty tough division. I have voiced my hopes we draft McFadden because I just don't see the parallels though. We have had a very good defense for years and yes it was poor this year but I still don't see how you just ignore 10 years of bad offense over 1 year of bad defense. I'm stopping short of saying our defense this year was a fluke BUT I do think it stands a far better chance of fixing itself with a few key improvements and keeping them off the field because our best players are also our oldest players. I just think creating a more competent offense will be felt better on both sides of the ball than using the #1 on a defensive lineman.

    Keep in mind I'm looking at it as a three year plan. Which means we will add defensive players (as well as other areas) in that time.

    Also, yes we have Ronnie Brown but I just can't consider him much of a factor in the long or short term. I really liked Ronnie's coming out this year but even with that we won no games and ended up with yet another injury. After Ronnie we have no play makers. on offense.

    Save the arguments about money because you play to win and not have a neat and balanced payroll (offense/defense).
  2. #1dolphinsfan

    #1dolphinsfan New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    No McFadden will be the Same as R. Bush IMO they look great in college but when they get to the big level they relize that there not as strong and not as fast looking as they were in college i think we need to improve our Deffence get a guy on the other side of JT that can rush the passer or someone who can plug the whole and our Weak point want really the run game Ronnie was have a pro bowl year McFadden isnt going to help us win any more then ronnie did Chatman did a good Job when Ronnie went down Gado did a good Job when Chatman went down and Booker did a Good Job also we dont need to fix whats not broken we have some good RB we need to fix our D line K. Traylor is not as good as he once was Holliday isnt as good as he once was we need New DT Or we need a DE who can help stop the run Roth is a good back up but he isnt a starter in the NFL
    azfinfanmang likes this.
  3. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    i also agreed with houstons pick of mario williams. I also felt that they needed defense more then reggie. I dont think reggie can be a running back in this league, i think he will be a slash for his whole career.
  4. Believerinteal

    Believerinteal New Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    The more I think of it, the more I think this draft will play itself out like the 2006 Draft. McFadden's Bush, James Laurenitis is A.J. Hawk, Gholston (if he comes out) is Williams, Jake Long is D'Brickashaw Ferguson, Matt Ryan is Matt Leinart, etc.
  5. #1dolphinsfan

    #1dolphinsfan New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    if Matt Ryan Becomes the way Matt Leinart has been then i wouldnt want him same thing goes for the Bush McFadden i dont want eather of them anyways i would much rather have Chris long

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