Dying 7 Year Old Taunted By Neighbor

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ronnie Bass, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. AbideN703

    AbideN703 Yes, I'd hit it

    Jan 7, 2008
    Springfield, Virginia
    I think we're all aware of what free speech is and how it can be used. If anything since as Americans we all have free speech it just weeds out who really is or isn't a douchebag in this country.

    Case in point, these two nimrods we're speaking of. They have the right to say anything they want. Does that mean they should? Hell to the no.
  2. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    I agree with all of this. And I don't think anyone feels that what the neighbors did is cool, or right or anything like that. I am pretty sure it is universally panned. The topic of free speech was brought up and the person who brought it up is getting a rap as defending the neighbors, which I don't think was their intention.

    Maybe I am wrong on that point and they were. But one thing we can all agree on is that Griddles sucks, no?
    King Felix likes this.
  3. PhiNomina

    PhiNomina White-Collar Redneck

    Dec 21, 2007
    Cleveland, OH
    I never understand why free speech is brought up in these situations. Those people have the right to say what they want about that little girl - just like the rest of us have the right to show our displeasure with their actions.

    If we are going to argue for their free speech to say these things - why can't the people that are angry with them also have free speech? Free speech isn't a get out of jail free card - you can say what you want, but you have to live with the repurcussions of those statements.
  4. Skeet84

    Skeet84 New Member

    Dec 14, 2007

    I was only defending The Mor. Get a grip people
    Steve-Mo likes this.
  5. finsincebirth

    finsincebirth Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    You guys are pefectly in your right to discuss about how you feel about those people, but to call mor and skeet scum because they pointed out that those folks where perfectly in their right is pretty rediculous.
    Steve-Mo and Skeet84 like this.
  6. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Are they gonna do the Thriller on the family's front lawn too?
  7. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    I don't think Skeet or Mor are scum. I know this wasn't directed at me, but I think the real issue here is there is no reason to debate free speech rights because not one person in this thread questioned their freedom of speech.

    The real issue here is how sad it is that this girl is suffering from a horrible disease. One of my best friends has watched almost his entire family die from it. His mom is currently suffering with Huntington's and getting worse every day. And he knows there is a 50/50 chance he has it, but cannot get tested at the risk of losing insurance. Imagine living with that every day.

    Instead of bickering over some ****head's freedom of speech rights if any of you have a couple extra bucks to spare, donate to the cause.


    This is a disease that very little is being done for because so few people have it.
    PhiNomina and Ronnie Bass like this.
  8. Ronnie Bass

    Ronnie Bass Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Dec 19, 2007
    First off no one called them scum and second who the **** cares if it was their right? And no one cares if they are arrested or not, we want their ****ing heads beaten in with a baseball bat Jack Torrence style.

    I mean seriously is this how some of you in here judge morality of what someone does by if they are breaking the law or not? That is NOT what morality is about.
  9. High Definition

    High Definition No Smoke / No Drink 2011+

    Nov 26, 2007
    South Beach
    98.6% sure he hails from 4Chan....
  10. maynard

    maynard Who, whom?

    Dec 5, 2007
    clearwater, fl
    i agree. imo, it just states the obvious.

    if someone cheats on their spouse, there isnt a need for someone to remind people that the two were consenting adults. it doesnt really serve a purpose. jmo
    PhiNomina likes this.
  11. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    lol Someone needs free advertising.

    I can't believe the people who taunted that family haven't received a ton of death threats by now.
  12. finsincebirth

    finsincebirth Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    Dude you need to seriously chill the **** out. And while you didn't explicitly come out and call them scum you sure acted like it and treated them like it. Secondly I think what those people did is absolutely ****ed up just like everyone else here and no way do I condone it. However I apologize that I don't solve everything that is wrong in this world or I disagree with with violence. You want to talk about morality? Savage beating someone to death is no more moral than what those people did. That's what's ****ed up about this society, is too many people believe violence should beget more violence.

    Lastly, don't judge my morality. You don't ****ing know me.
    Steve-Mo and Skeet84 like this.
  13. Ronnie Bass

    Ronnie Bass Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Dec 19, 2007
    Nah man, when I see a sadistic story like this I won't chill out.

    And I believe that this disgusts you but I don't understand why it's an issue about free speech especially when one one ever brought anything about charging or suing them in a legal matter. so when someone says it's their right to say what they did what does that suggest? I am sure Mor don't think it's right what they did but defending them in this matter is infuriating and just baffling.

    And I really don't condone violence on these scum, but if they did get their *** beat or better yet get hit by a train sitting in their car, I will chuckle because I love karma's revenge.

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