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Expect the unexpected from Miami Dolphins, coaches

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by dolfan7171, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009

    Amazing...no Wildcat and still won. Man I love the Dolphins!!

    dolphindebby, mbmonk and shaunm000 like this.
  2. Shamboubou

    Shamboubou Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    I loved the offense this week. Without Ronnie Brown I really think this is what we need to be doing. We need to spread our WR's and let them run some slants and crossing patterns. That is what our WR's are good at. You start doing that its going to open up that deep pass down field. Were going to have to change something without Ronnie.

    I think its going to make Henne more confident in his passing ability and its going to let us see what we can get from our WR's. Lets be honest. Yesterday was the best WR play that we have seen from this team in years.

    We have the tools now lets just use them and lets win these next 4 games and go back to the playoffs!!!!! GO FINS!!!!
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  3. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    With Ronnie out, the Wildcat was on crutches anyway TBH.
  4. Delfin Alejandro

    Delfin Alejandro Premier League Champs

    Dec 12, 2008
    I agree, the commentators also mention all the time, "This Miami team has so many facets to it, it seems like they have all types of plays."

    I think us incorporating the passing game as we have will open up space for the wildcat, just no Pat White please...

    It seemed for a while that the wildcat was all we had. If we start passing the ball more the wildcat will have that surprise factor again once its used, teams will really not know whats coming, unless Pat White comes out, when Pat comes out he's running... lol
  5. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    This is great. I would like to see what could happen when he gets down the timing on all of his receivers...
  6. shaunm000

    shaunm000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Well being down 14-0 to the pats, you cant really go out there and run the ball and take 10 minutes off the clock for a field goal.

    Was it really a gameplan? Or did we have to start slinging it cause of the score?

    Great article, good read.
  7. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    That is what I thought as well, but reading this article has me convinced that the gameplan was to throw more than often this week. Perhaps not to the extent that we eventually DID do, but more nonetheless.
  8. Delfin Alejandro

    Delfin Alejandro Premier League Champs

    Dec 12, 2008
    If it was planned prior to the game, great. If it was due to being down 14 - 0 even better. I think and hope that this opens up the coaching staffs eyes that maybe some "Traditional Offense" is also a good idea.

    I know this might sound odd since it really did not happen, but just imagine if the 2 balls that Henne overthrew would have been caught. I wonder, the what ifs are way tooooooo, what iffy!!!!! lol
  9. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    I'd still be interested in seeing Tyler Thigpen get some Wildcat snaps down the stretch. It could be an interesting wrinkle.
  10. bbqpitlover

    bbqpitlover Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    I was listening to nfl radio on Sirius radio and they were talking good stuff about Henne, they also hyped Bess, Camarillo and Hartline for their great play making ability, guess who was left out as being hyped in the wr position?
  11. Delfin Alejandro

    Delfin Alejandro Premier League Champs

    Dec 12, 2008
    Hmmmm.... let me guess _____ and Tonic???? :tongue2:

    I do have a pet peeve as of late with the announcers around the country. No one watches all the games in their entirety, that would be impossible. So people end up listening to the opinions of the same 2 - 3 guys that cover the Dolphins. They are very quick to jump on one guys misfortunes (Not that Ginn has only had one bad play) and then jump on the bandwagon when a team wins.

    CBS mentioned during yesterdays game that we have been suffering in this that and the other, not once did they mention the amount of injuries we have and that maybe that has been a contributing factor in what has been going on. Very quick to crucify a player or team when they do not seem to properly inform themselves on what the underlying reasons are :tantrum::tantrum::tantrum:

    I feel like i just took a load of bricks of my back....:lol:
  12. eric

    eric New Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    we lost our starting Quarter back, running back, nose tackle and corner back..... whats the big deal, i mean its not like those are key positions or something. this is plug and play.

    all men are created equal. injuries dont matter.
  13. mbmonk

    mbmonk I have no clue

    Aug 4, 2008
    So true. I have a lot of respect for Marshal Faulk as a player, but the only two comments I have seen him make about the Dolphins were way off, he must not keep up the this team. Or I just happened to catch him at a bad time :)

    I always gave NFL players a little more credit and assumed they knew what they were talking about, but i guess that goes to your point about it's impossible to watch all the games in a timely manner.
  14. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    They have one wrinkle left they haven't tried. Changing to a predominant 4-3 defense with Cameron Wake at LE, Porter at SLB, Taylor at RE, Starks and Soliai inside.

    Porter and Wake will double rush often from their side with Taylor playing back off of the line whenever necessary. The return of the hybrid of Nick Saban.
  15. buzdoubt

    buzdoubt New Member

    Nov 28, 2009
    Burlington, On
    Totally agree...White, looks scared when he's out there...and the 'd' dials in on him.. If they are gonna insist on 'wrinkles' then Thigpen gets my vote..

    Then again...nothing wrong with a conventional offense either....damn...so many options.

    Run Ricky RUN....!
  16. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    While Tyler Thigpen is a gifted athlete, I don't think he's a Wild Cat type player, just my opinion though.

    I think Tyler Thigpen is our backup and a capable one, but, IMO, we should leave it at that. Let's let Chad Henne be our starting QB. He's proven he can do the job admirably.

    PHINANALYST Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    North Carolina
    unless someone like Sheets can step in ... the WC is dead for this year ... that had to be planned. Ricky and the WC are not a good mix - as he just isn't quick enough. RB makes it work because he is gifted quick.
    padre31 likes this.
  18. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    I wouldn't say "dead" I would say "rarely used"

    I think we see alot more base offense, 1 Qb, Rb, Fb, type of formations.

    PHINANALYST Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    North Carolina
    padre ... just don't see the viability of the WC without RB ... PW is horrific, and Ricky just isn't suited for it. RB could still make it work when defenses crashed the corners, the rest have not shown that they can - at least not to date. it doesn't pose a problem for defenses, nor a personnel change ... so i see no reason at this point to waste downs with it. unless Sheets or someone else can make it work - why?
  20. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    This does beg the question though, could we have been doing this all year?

    PHINANALYST Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    North Carolina
    until NO showed everyone about crashing the corners .... the WC was producing good results. Since then, even with RB, the results were marginal.

    we have been unable to reach the next level with the WC.

    we also wanted to bring Henne along slowly ...

    he has shown that he has the mettle and ability ... now he just needs the experience.

    but, do we need it anymore ... maybe, maybe not - but we don't need it anymore this season with the players we have left on the roster.

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