Experience, film study put Thomas a cut above

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by ATVZ400, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. ATVZ400

    ATVZ400 Senior Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    parts unknown, NJ


    I know Zach is not part of the phins But he will always be a Dolphin to me thats why i posted this here in the main.

    To me and my kids (who wear #54 during there own football games) your the best............
    Crunkcore, Pauly, DOLPHAN1 and 7 others like this.
  2. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    We're going to miss Zach, there's no doubt. But all good things must come to an end. J. J. done good with that draft pick no doubt. The Miami Dolphins throughout their history have had great middle/inside linebackers. Here's hoping that the next Zach Thomas is on its way.
  3. Regan21286

    Regan21286 MCAT's, EMT's, AMCAS, ugh

    Dec 3, 2007
    UCLA, CA
    Zach is a Dolphin for life no matter what team he's on (except maybe an AFC East one). Honestly, I miss the guy and I'd take a healthy Zach over Torbor any day of the week.
    DOLPHAN1 likes this.
  4. HULKFish

    HULKFish Artist and Scribe

    Apr 30, 2008
    Central FL
    I'm still VERY resentful about that move... No excuse, he'll be a healthy Pro-Bowler for the Cowboys this year. And I'll be watching them now too!

    BEST LB TO EVER PLAY THE GAME, HANDS DOWN... And I really don't care about anyone elses opinion on that. He just got it done.
    ATVZ400 likes this.
  5. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Good to see Zach Thomas finally getting some respect from people besides us Dolphin fans. It's long overdue.

    I hope Cowboy fans realize what a player they got. If they don't, they soon will.
    ATVZ400 and DOLPHAN1 like this.
  6. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    Good to hear for Zach. His commitment to football is unbelievable. Thats really what it comes down to, what Mckinney said. He didnt have to be the biggest, strongest and fastest guy physically, because he always knew where the play was coming so he was always in position to make the tackle. No surprise he led the team in tackles all the time. Its going to be tough to see him playing in that Dallas jersey this year...
    HULKFish and ATVZ400 like this.
  7. Kanye West

    Kanye West 'Parcells' Guy

    Mar 23, 2008
    Good luck this year Zach Thomas
    B.Sebo likes this.
  8. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    Go win a SB this year Zach, then retire after signing a 1 day contract with the Dolphins so you can go into the HOF as a Miami Dolphin! We will ALWAYS love you Zach Thomas! :up:
    HULKFish likes this.
  9. gunn34

    gunn34 I miss Don & Dan

    Jan 5, 2008
    Oviedo FL
    Glad to see him at the top. Hard to not say MIAMI Dolphin Zach Thomas.
  10. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    I think its safe to say everyone will miss Zach. The guy is a hell of a player and will forever be in our hearts. Heres an article after he got released that I thought was very well written By Andy Cohen of the Miami Dolphins.

    HULKFish and ATVZ400 like this.
  11. ATVZ400

    ATVZ400 Senior Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    parts unknown, NJ

    i agree 100%:up:

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