1. baboo72 Bleeding aqua & orange

    Mar 23, 2008
    Watford, England
    The new F1 2010 game is out, anyone else got/getting it?

    Got my copy yesterday and first impression is it's very much like Grid: Racing driver. Graphically the same feel in the menu's. Was slightly dissapointed with the racing view - not much different from the old F1 games.

    Have put in only a little track time but one thing stood out; had a big crash on the first corner two cars I hit rolled... I lost only the front wing and was struggling to make it back to the pit and the other two cars overtook me and carried on!

    Hope to put a bit more time in the career this weekend and hopefully get a better feel for it. At the moment though if I had a choice I'd go with Grid over F1.

    Looks like they'll be loads of options for the car set up if your into that sort of thing (wing / ride height, ballast, gear shifts etc)

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