NBC wasn't expected to announce it until next month, but word has leaked to Fox News that Jimmy Fallon is set to take Conan O'Brien's job as host of "Late Night" in 2009 when O'Brien takes over "The Tonight Show" from Jay Leno, who is leaving as host in May, 2009. Fox News' Roger Friedman writes: There's much debate about letting Leno leave NBC etc., but right now let's just concentrate on Jimmy. He's the perfect successor to Conan and should have just as big an audience when he takes the reins. Fallon is one of those great underrated performers. This should be the right milieu for him. Fallon, who recently married producer Nancy Juvonen, is said to be thrilled and ready, if not a little scared, about taking Conan's desk. He still has to pick a producer and a band, among other things http://www.comingsoon.net/news/tvnews.php?id=44425
I'm not a big Jimmy Fallon fan. I think he would do pretty good in this role though. He was good on Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live.
I guess its not a bad choice to replace Conan... im not much of a fan of Fallon though. I didnt like much of his stuff on SNL, i found him more annoying than funny. Oh well, only time will tell I guess. I think the interesting thing is how Conan will do taking Leno's spot.
Thus ensuring that I will never, EVER watch that show again. Jimmy Fallon is unwatchable and has a face punchability factor of 11 on a scale of 1-10.
The only SNL sketches where I think he is absolutely hilarious is "The Barry Gibb Talk Show" sketches.
Jimmy's legacy to me is laughing in the Will Ferrell cowbell sketch and him laughing when in the hot tub with the two "lovas" (Ferrell and Dratch)...he really isn't that funny to me.
Not that I watch these late night talk shows anyway, but this would just confirm that. Fallon is terrible.
Yeah, I hate Fallon... Conan is pretty good though so I guess the bright spot is that he's on earlier and I'll get some sleep being that I'll completely forget about the other show.