I read John's thread on respecting everyone here on the forum, and no personal attacks. I agree for the most part but, not entirely. It is a fine line. Should players and coaches, who are doing the absolute best to make us happy, get the same respect? I read posts calling for Hennings head, and that he is stupid, a senile bum, etc, etc. I read posts on Ginn, Wilson, etc, calling players worthless, cut them, they suck, etc. Is one OK, and not the other? WHY? In my posting career, I have taken a few shots at coaches, players, fans, and posters. Sometimes it was in fun, others in frustration, or seeing/hearing something which I believed to be dumb. I do the same in persn. I am a football fanatic, and this is part of the game. It's not golf, tennis, or chess. However, what is the difference between showing respect to posters and not players or coaches.
I think I'm the only one who listens to the "Channing Crowder Show" on Fridays on WQAM, but believe me when I say callers call up and dog him out regularly. As fans we have opinions, the Staff and players as professionals have decisions, the two have nothing to do with one another.
i buy jerseys, i buy tickets, i buy fat heads, i buy flags, i buy nfl ticket, i watch religiously, i imo deserve to be critical of things happening with my favorite team.....players are held to a higher standard because quite frankly, it comes with the territory, they get paid damn ****ing good.....they can withstand a little ribbing if they are not performing to the fans standards imho.
I try to treat players, coaches and posters with respect. I guess I should just say people. I don't think being treated rudely should ever "come with the territory". Sure I know it happens and I don't think anybody's above criticism, but when I criticize I try to not cross the line into rudeness. I try never to post anything I wouldn't say to someone's face. I would like to think that I generally succeed.
talking about players (not posters) people do cross a line into getting personal......but i think the majority of criticism comes to their play on the field....which imo is completely fair game
So, what you're saying is that fans, regardless of what they say, deserve respect, and players and coaches, do not? "Fans" can say whatever they want about players because they do it for a living but, not to each other because it is only an opinion? For argument's sake, let's say a poster is ripping the hell out of Henne. Another poster knows Henne and takes offense. Should he say what he feels, which may be offensive, or suggest they meet for a rousing cup of tea? LOL I know you do understand my point.
I do the same. I do not believe that entitles me to rip the hell out of a player, giving his best, for MY team. Lack of effort is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT DEAL. I have not seen that in two years.
i think it does and yes i have seen lack of effort. the entire bills game i saw our defense quit. the end of the game was pathetic....watch it again....guys not caring, guys not going full speed. it was a joke. they deserve criticism in my opinion....
A question can never begin with "so". I'd go with the cup o' tea, and Codex Duello. En guarde'! Here is my honest opinion, Fans can rip players for their performances, the players know when they are playing like cow flop, what fans should not do is make it personal about ripping a player. Wanna bust on Teddy Ginn for the drops? Fine, but taking it to the next level by adding TG's speech issues is waay over the line. I also think that Fans in general can never really know what is going on inside a Team, not completely, so while many people fire off rockets about a Team, they cannot really know what is going on the inside of a Team.
As a practical matter, posters attacking/making personal insults against each other can destroy a board. Attacks/insults to players and coaches don't have the same effect, unless strong factions form around a particular player or coach. We've seen a little of that with Ted Ginn, and it got really bad on several boards back in the days of Jay Fiedler. But it got bad ultimately because posters began insulting each other, i.e. if you like Fiedler you're a homer, if you don't like him you're a hater. So that's the practical difference attacking posters and attacking players/coaches. Is it OK to attack players and coaches then? Well, criticizing players and coaches is a big part of what boards like this are about. Speaking for myself, I try to keep it civil: I might say that Henning's call on RW's option pass against the Bills is stupid, but I wouldn't call Henning senile. On the other hand, another poster might say, look, I don't really think Henning is senile, I am just really angry and upset about the call. Another poster might genuinely think Henning needs to be fired. I don't agree, but it's a perfectly reasonable thing for a fan to think and to post. Bottom line, I think all posters should try to be civil, to each other and when talking about the coaches and players. But it's essential that they be civil when talking to each other, or the board falls apart. It's not essential that they be civil when talking about coaches and players.
So that's the practical difference attacking posters and attacking players/coaches. Is it OK to attack players and coaches then? Well, criticizing players and coaches is a big part of what boards like this are about. Speaking for myself, I try to keep it civil: I might say that Henning's call on RW's option pass against the Bills is stupid, but I wouldn't call Henning senile. On the other hand, another poster might say, look, I don't really think Henning is senile, I am just really angry and upset about the call. Another poster might genuinely think Henning needs to be fired. I don't agree, but it's a perfectly reasonable thing for a fan to think and to post. Bottom line, I think all posters should try to be civil, to each other and when talking about the coaches and players. But it's essential that they be civil when talking to each other, or the board falls apart. It's not essential that they be civil when talking about coaches and players.[/QUOTE] Here's one that will make your head hurt. IF it's a Jet's fan, do the rules change?
You can be critical without being disrespectful. Saying that Ted Ginn would have a hard time catching a cold standing naked in a snowstorm is one thing. It's not much different than saying Sparano is bald. But it's really not necessary to say Ginn is garbage or worthless, etc. It's noe thing to blast him for his poor performance, but it should never go beyond that. One of the staff members here is personally acquainted with Eric Green's family and was a little offended by some of the unnecessarily insulting remarks made about the guy after he was cut. The bottom line is if the player doesn't perform the way we want/need him to, we really shouldn't take that as a cue to personally attack him.
Bro you made it known in your post that I was dead wrong on Henning in another thread when I tried to to explain why I think he needs to go. We differ on our opinions, and that is fine. My long lasting love for the Dolphins is for the team, not any individual coach or player. I have been on the team's bandwagon since 1970 a lot longer then any of them with this organization right now. I think we as an organization can and need to do a lot better then we are right now. We are not focused, executing, and game scheming like we should. This is another hard year to be a fan, as I see things that are not being corrected or taken advantage of. I don't agree with the team direction right now both in players and coaches. I am respectful of them both, but I will not sit here and say everything is fine and Henning. This was the same team management that said we didn't need to trade for a number 1 WR, and see where we are now. My ultimate goal is to have us win a super bowl, and not every 30 something years either. This team needs some help.
Well said padre. That's what I've been saying. None of us know what truly goes on in the locker room or where ever. These are human beings first and they have the same problems as anyone else in their personal life and in their jobs. So, judging them personally just seems futile to me. We treat most of them like their sub-human and should always be on their "game", while there may be reasons that never come out to the fans.