Fantasy Basketball

Discussion in 'Other Fantasy Sports' started by JDelenne, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. JDelenne

    JDelenne Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 12, 2009
    Orlando, FL
    This is my first year doing a Fantasy Basketball league and I was wondering if any of you had any websites that you use to help with draft research other than the easy ones to find on Google. I've always excelled at Fantasy Football but stepping into a new territory I'm really looking for any help I can get.
  2. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    I dont use any website for any of this stuff anymore. I find my instincts to be more reliable. Whats the scoring settings? I like Yahoo's category system or a points based system (such as 1 point per point, 1 per assist etc).
  3. JDelenne

    JDelenne Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 12, 2009
    Orlando, FL
    Actually i'm not sure how the scoring is going to be. Its a Work league and we're still trying to find a few more people to join the league. All I know its going to be a 12 team Rotisserie league. I put countless hours into my Football Drafts and have a lot of information for that but im really clueless when it comes to Basketball I don't follow it nearly as closely and outside of the top 50 players in the league or so i'm really clueless. I guess I should be more specific to what I'm looking for. Something like mock drafts or a breakdown of what round players should fall. Something similar to but for the NBA I guess.
  4. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    I dont agree with all their rankings and again the rankings would vary based on a scoring system but I do like reading Yahoo's top 50 (expanded to 100 for start of the year).

    As with any fantasy draft you draft partially based on who you think will have a good year or a breakout year. One of the things I have always done in points based formats is be bullish on players who really contribute in multiple areas...for instance Id rather have a Tyreke Evans then a Joe Johnson even though Evans is a higher TO player and generally lower % shooter because Evans is more likely to be able to contribute in other stats besides points and when he has a bad night, the steals, blocks, assists and rebounds are still in play whereas with a Joe Johnson he doesnt do much else anymore. Just an example. I will say that I find position scarcity comes in to play in basketball just as it does in baseball or football or hockey. When youre looking for a Center in round 10 and realize all thats left is Brendan Haywood and Spencer Hawes, you will realize what you did wrong. Let someone else be that guy. Get at least 1 player with C eligibility early on. Amar'e, Bosh, Obviously Howard, and depending on if your league lists Griffin as C eligible those would be some of your primary guys. Late in those drafts go for players with immediate upside...dont bother with 2-3 year projects in a win now league.

    Im sure you can find other stuff out there but like I have said, I havent needed to find anything else other then my brain when it comes to fantasy basketball.

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